Trinity 7

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Anime: Trinity 7

Alternative name: Trinity Seven: 7-nin no Masho Tsukai

Genre: Action, Comedy, Ecchi. Fantasy, Harem, Shounen, School life

Date Released: 2014

Date Ended: 2014

Episodes: 12

Duration: 24 minutes

Type: Regular anime series

Studio name: Seven Arcs Pictures

Manga: Yes


Description: Pride, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, Lust. These are the seven sins laid upon seven girls who rule over Biblia Academy. To retake his world, the boy decides he must control these sins... The boy, Arata Kasuga, has had the world he knows by a mysterious "Collapse Phenomenon", and his cousin Hijiri disappears into another dimension. To understand the Collapse Phenomenon and win back his cousin, he comes to Biblia Academy. There he finds the seven girls and their sins.

Popularity: Its popular

Sequels: 2 movies and a Ova

Dubbed or subbed: Its both

Warnings: None

Opinion: This anime I have so long ago. It was a couple years after it came out. Yet let me just tell you it was really good. I can't say it was perfect or anything like that. Yet this anime was really good. So I definitely recommend you guys watch this. Oh yeah. The art style and voice acting once again was really good.

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