Ch.1- Nothing is Fair in Blood and War

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They say a soldier's eyes hold the truth behind their smile. That by looking in their eyes, you can see the lives they've taken, the lives they've seen lost. It is in their eyes that you can see how broken they are. As the Gods and campers looked into Percy's eyes with fear, their hearts shattered. His sea green eyes had lost their light. It would have been better if they were drowning in tears of sadness. It would have been better if they flashed and stormed with unquenchable rage. Any emotion would have been better than the broken, haunted look in his eyes. There was nothing. No current of life, no sign of sight; they were just dead. 

Cradled in his arms was the disjointed and beaten body of his lover, Annabeth Chase. Her curly blonde hair was crusted in mud and blood. A deep gash scarred her forehead, bruises discoloring her cheeks and chin. A deep X was carved across her collar bone, the blood flowing into her once bright orange camp t-shirt. But her fatal wound was the most terrifying. The hole through her chest  was a testament to Gaea's sadistic practices. She had ripped Annabeth's heart out straight through her chest cavity while Percy watched in helpless horror. The remainder of her heart lay 10 feet away from the couple, a giant bite taken from it. 

Annabeth's arms were a collage of scars and scrapes from her time in Tartarus and from the battle. Her right hand still gripped her blade while her left hand was intertwined with Percy's. If you looked closely, a ring gently circled her wedding finger, a promise of the young lovers' future. The band was made of Stygian Iron, silver and sea green oyster shells coating the surface. A large white diamond lay in the center surrounded by smaller sky blue and sea foam pigmented jewels. Engraved on the underside were the words We were soul mates before it began and our love will last beyond the end. But to Percy, those words were of a promise he couldn't keep. A promise that cost Annabeth her life. 

Everyone was losing hope. The camp's losses were too great, the God's powers nearly exhausted. Morale was a fleeting memory. The one they looked to for leadership was no longer in any condition to fight. They didn't even know if he was in any condition to live. A hand print of blood marked his left cheek, the mark Annabeth's hand left when she and Percy shared their last kiss and words. A moment that would haunt the memories of all who witnessed it. Everyone watched in helpless horror as Gaea's monsters marched forward while she mocked their suffering.

"So this is Hero of Olympus? How pathetic." she spat. "For all of the praise you receive, you are such a disappointment. Here you are the most powerful demigod, a broken shell. You promised to protect them yet here your friends lay. Dead. By my hands. And what glorious death's they were. The human heart is so...delectable isn't it? I must say though, Annabeth's was the best." Gaea's mouth twisted into a snarl, her eyes glinting with madness. Blood dripped from the corners of her mouth, her chin lathered with the juices from her meals. Whatever beauty she once had was vanished, replaced only by her insanity. Her vibrant green eyes were wide and blood shot. Frizzy, curly auburn hair that flowed down past her waist, tangles and dreads intertwined with sticks and leaves. Her skin was a composition of dirt and decomposing materials, green veins mapping their way down to her feet. Her teeth were sharp and pointed, her nails like cloudy crystals. Ichor dripped from her forehead and wrists but she paid no mind. Her only focus was Percy. 

"You are a monster Perseus. You give them false hope, and promise to save them, for what?! You are powerless!! You are nothing compared to me!!! You could not even protect the one you love!! You could only watch as I ripped your soulmate's heart out!! How poignant." As she ranted, Gaea did not see the change in Percy. 

There were no tears streaked down his face. His eyes were rigid, hard and cold. They glowed, full of sadistic promise, as heart freezing as a gorgon's glare. Hatred, pain and rage stormed in his orbs, not a shred of doubt to be seen. As Gaea made eye contact, she balked. Never before had she seen eyes like his. He didn't blink, he falter or wave. He looked her straight in the eyes, a cold resolve of death his promise. 

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