19. The Noir Hero

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It has come to my attention that some people are unfamiliar with the terminology I used in the last chapter, so I am putting brief explanations and definitions up. These definitions are also at the very end of the previous chapter. 

1. Obscurial

An Obscurial is a young wizard or witch who developed a dark parasitical magical force, known as an obscurus, as a result of their magic being suppressed through psychological or physical abuse.

"An Obscurus is developed under very specific conditions: trauma associated with the use of magic; internalized hatred of one's own magic and a conscious attempt to suppress it."—J.K. Rowling

When a magical child is forced to repress their talent through physical or psychological abuse, they develop a parasitical magical force inside of them called Obscurus, resulting from their strong emotions of distress.

An Obscurial may lose control when they reach their emotional and mental breaking point, releasing their Obscurus as an invisible (or nearly invisible) destructive wind. In extreme cases, they may physically transform into an Obscurus.

When an Obscurial releases the Obscurus within, their eyes become pure white and their physical form vibrates and becomes distorted. While the Obscurus is invisible, the Obscurial can physically interact with the world without making physical contact, though the ability is uncontrolled and triggered by the host's distress, anger, or other intense emotions. This notably damages structures and objects near the host.

Usually, children possessed by an Obscurus almost always die before their 10th birthdays, but as exemplified by Credence Bareborne, a wizard with tremendous latent powers, they can survive longer. When the child dies, the Obscurus vanishes along with them, though Newton Scamander successfully kept one alive when its host died by encasing it in a magical bubble.

In ancient times, Obscurials were more common, when wizards were hunted by Muggles. However, when the wizarding world and the Muggle world separated, the trend dropped as children were no longer forced to hide their true nature among their own.

Obscurials were believed to have completely disappeared from the United States of America by 1926 according to President Seraphina Picquery. To the knowledge of the International Confederation, an Obscurus had not existed in the United States for over 200 years.

2. Obscurus

"It's an unstable uncontrollable dark force that busts out and attacks, and then vanishes."—The Goldstein

An Obscurus is the manifestation of the repressed energy of a magical child (known as an Obscurial). Described as a "dark" and "parasitic" force, an Obscurus was created when the child in question was forced to repress their talent through physical or psychological abuse. This energy could manifest itself as a separate entity that can erupt in violent, destructive fury.

When an Obscurial lost control, the Obscurus force was released, often focused on the cause of the Obscurial's torment, but also causing destruction in its wake.

The Obscurus could be largely invisible or appear as a flying, incorporeal, and amorphous entity with the appearance of a black, fluid-like cloud, or a violent torrent of darkness, sometimes with a reddish core. Some described it as a "dark wind" or "dark mass" with "shining white eyes". Its appearance could be oleaginous, or "rich in, covered with, or producing oil, or oily or greasy". There have also been instances when a face briefly emerges from the shadowy entity, or a white glowing image of the host appears inside of it.

The size and might of an Obscurus depended on the innate power of its host; the more powerful an Obscurial, the more powerful their Obscurus. When an Obscurial reached their emotional and mental breaking point, they could lose control completely and physically transform into an Obscurus. Its size and mass at specific times may also have be connected to the level of negative emotions that triggered it at that instance, as well as the current mental state of its host.

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