Ch. 3- Diagon Alley

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"You cannot be serious Perseus."

"I am mom. This is a part of me. We discussed this last night. I am not agreeing to the war but I am a wizard, I deserve to at least see that world and have some education on what that means."

Sally sighed in defeat. She didn't like it, not at all, but she wasn't going to let her son visit Diagon Alley or head off to the school without her. "Alright. But I am going with you. There is no way I am just letting you go off on your own. I won't participate in the war, you won't let me, but I will be involved with introducing you to our kind."

"Alright. You can tell Paul you are enrolling me in a British boarding school and we are visiting it for three days. He will buy that. Keep Albus and Severus hidden though. They stick out like sore thumbs. I have to an errand." Sally nodded as she took her son's advice. She had hoped the night sleep would deter his determination to visit Hogwarts but to no avail; he was determined and stubborn. She wanted to ask where Percy was going but knew better to while the two wizards stood nearby listening. 

"Okay. But don't take too long. We will be leaving soon. Unfortunately..." Percy pressed his lips into a grim line at her words. He hated doing this to her but battle was all he knew. And now that he was immortal, he couldn't die, so that lessened her worry a bit but hurt her and he hated that. From what Dumbledore had told and shown him, Voldemort had to be stopped otherwise everyone was in danger. He had family in danger fighting as well over in England and he wouldn't let them fight alone. He also wanted an escape. He wanted to leave behind his Greek world and the memories he had in America. He needed time away to truly adjust. He saw Hogwarts and the wizard world as an opportunity. 

"Be back in a flash mom." With that he walked out of the door and gently closed it behind him, leaving his mom with her two companions. 


Percy's P.O.V.

I walked down the steps in front of our house and immediately headed towards the nearest alleyway. The streets were full of the morning rush, children running to school and pedestrians eager to get to work. Taxis and cars honked and beeped while construction work became deafening. I had to evade several reckless bikers as they twisted between people on the sidewalk. It's too early for this shit. What happened to sleeping in? I turned off of the bustling streets into a smelly, trash cluttered side road, scanning for any unwanted attention. Once I knew it was all clear and no one was watching, I transported myself to the Empire State building. I needed some answers of my own. 

The building was just starting to open up. Japanese tourists were lined up around the block, cameras and I <3 New York merchandise making them stick out like neon pink shirts at a goth concert. I evaded the line and just walked straight in. I heard some of them start complaining behind me but I didn't care. I walked straight up to the desk. The same man I've always seen was sitting there typing furiously, not even glancing up as I approached. 

"I need access to the 600th floor." He scoffed not even looking up at me. 

"No such thing kid. Shouldn't you know that? Now go back to your tour group, I'm busy." I clenched my jaw and took out a small dagger. I slammed the knife right next to his hand. He jumped and looked me in the eyes, his face paling as he realized who I was. 

"I said I need to get to the 600th floor. I will not ask again" I growled. I deepened my voice, lowering it for intimidation. My gorgon stare seemed to have frozen him so I broke eye contact. Seconds after he was scrambling around the desk looking for the key card. 

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