Ch. 6- Professor Jackson?!

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Dumbledore looked out across the dining hall, saddened by the sight. The students were silent, only whispering to each other. There were so many blank and empty seats, showing how terrified the parents were and how nothing was safe anymore. Not even Hogwarts. The candles hanging overhead had flickering and dying flames. Not too long ago, this would have seemed untroubled and blithe but now they cast a sombre light over the room. They hung low, allowing for shadows to cast over the ceiling corners, almost creating a threatening and fearful atmosphere. 

Dumbledore looked out at his students from his seat at the center table, a heavy weigh pressing onto his shoulders. The school seemed to be dying, the hope flickering out of existence in Voldemort's shadow. As Dumbledore gazed out to the Gryffindor table, he studied Harry Potter and his two close friends. Last year, he would have gazed on the Potter boy with pity and a foreboding feeling but now, now he gazed at Potter with the beginning seeds of Hope. Now that Jackson was in the picture, they had a fighting chance. Perseus was their new Ace, their only real trump card against the Dark Forces. Dumbledore was still having some trouble processing the fact that Percy was a God. Things could only get more complicated...that didn't bode well with him. After those few moments of contemplation, Dumbledore rose up from his seat and approached his podium. 

A large golden stand with a metal owl stood up front, its wings still spreading out as Dumbledore approached.  Eight candles were were lifted on the sides, four on the left, four on the right. The owl stood on a swirling gray crystal ball, the oddly looked like a globe. It cocked its head, annoyed by the sound, sending out a metallic screech, silencing the already limited speech. The murmurs ended and Dumbledore stood at the podium, waiting for every head to turn and face him. He took a deep breath and forced on a lighter attitude, trying to seem relatively positive. 

"I would like to welcome you all back to Hogwarts and before we start with the sorting, I have a few announcements. Today we will be welcoming a transfer student from America into our halls and there will be a few changes in staff. I will elaborate later on tonight but now we shall welcome our newest students with the Sorting Ceremony!" 

The four long tables dividing the dining hall burst into conversation. A mysterious transfer, an American to boot, was good gossip, especially during these dark times. Each house was looking forward to meeting the new arrivals; every new house member was eagerly welcomed and anticipated. Many students also looked towards the staff table. 

A large golden stand with a metal owl stood up front, its wings still spread out from when Dumbledore was speaking. Eight candles were were lifted on the sides, four on the left, four on the right. The owl stood on a swirling gray crystal ball, the oddly looked like a globe. Dumbledore sat in the middle of the table, Professor Mcgonagal's empty seat and Professor Snape's to his sides. There were many familiar faces, except for maybe two. What a few of the older students noticed was the empty chair by the end of the table to Dumbledore's right. 

"That's odd..."

"What is Hermione?"

"Well, there are enough teachers for all of our classes yet there is an empty seat...It is just odd..." Some of the other Gryffindors listened in on their conversation. They took into consideration Hermione's words, unsure what to think. The last new addition to the staff was not...well...she wasn't really appreciated or enjoyed. Frankly, they all wanted the last teacher tortured and dead. At least...

Everyone turned their heads at the sound of the heavy wooden doors opening. Professor Mcgonagal started marching forward, wide eyed and star struck children following behind her. The boys and girls were separated into two rows. Many seemed slightly scared from all of the eyes watching them. The older students smiled slightly at how adorable they all looked. The little kids were swimming in their robes, almost jogging to keep up with the Professor's brisk walk. They looked up fascinated at the ceiling and floating candles. 

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