Ch. 9 First Day Disaster

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Previously on Halfblood at Hogwarts 

Madame Pomfrey was in a tizzy when she saw Professor Jackson carrying the limp girl in his arms. She immediately gestured towards an empty bed and he placed the student down gently, moving stray strands of hair from her face. He properly and professionally addressed the nurse, telling her the diagnosis. After she was taken care of, we pulled chairs up to the side of the bed, sitting in a half circle while Percy stood in front of us.

"Now, what was this all about?"

"Uh...well...we thought it would be... ya know, fun to explore the grounds a bit, seeing as how it's our first year and all...and we, well we saw someone. At first we thought it was a guard but-but when we looked closer, it wasn't. He was young, ya know, tall and agile. He walked very fast. He was an adult... that much you could tell. He seemed to know his way around, clinging to the shadows and all...he-he gave off this aura though. Almost like the shadows were drawn to him. He was constantly looking around, like he was afraid of being spotted or something. I mean-just looking at 'im gave me chills..."

I looked back at them, shocked by how scared they were acting. The smallest girl was even shaking. Percy uncrossed his arms, his eyes blazing with concern, comfort and some other powerful emotion I could not place. He softened his facial expressions, bending down to get level with them. He gave a small smile, instantly capturing their attention.

"I thank you both for you honesty. I'll see to it that you won't be punished for going out after hours. Make sure it doesn't happen again though. And you have nothing to worry about. The man you saw was most likely an upper-classman of the Slytherin House trying to sneak out without getting caught. There is nothing to fear. Now come here..." He opened his arms, inviting them in. They rushed forward, clinging to him. At first I thought it was because of lust but then I saw both of them still shaking. Professor Jackson gazed down at them with a tortured expression. He gently rubbed his hand up and down their backs, their shaking lessening with each stroke.

"You are safe here at Hogwarts. Trust me..." With those final words, he looked up at me, his eyes telling a different story. In that simple gaze, my blood froze. It was a gaze of knowing, a gaze I know I reciprocated. We both knew, deep down in our souls, that whoever that person was, it was no simple student. It was someone much more, doing something much less innocent.

Percy P.O.V

I saw Hermione's uncomfortable and surprised gaze at my words and at the girls' actions. It was strange for me as well as I looked upon the small girls shivering in my arms. They reminded me of the small, new campers back at home. How innocent and....scared they were. I could feel them shivering in my arms. I wasn't used to comforting people. I awkwardly patted their backs as I looked for someone to help me escape. Hermione just seemed oblivious to my predicament. Dam it. 

I knew Dumbledore asked me here to teach and to, as he hopes, help in their battle but, I don't want to protect. I can't protect people. That's part of why I left. Wherever I go, death and destruction is sure to follow. That's why those powers are stemmed into some of my domains and powers. It is a curse that follows me. I can't bring that here. I can't be responsible for any more lives. Everyone I've cared for, everyone I've tried to protect has died. 

As I looked upon those girls and the injured students housed in the infirmary, I felt a burst of protectiveness. I may have failed before, but I cannot now. These children aren't even demigods, their fates will not be so cruel as ours. I will redeem myself through them and through the generations of not only heroes, but of humans to come. It's my job now, my duty as a God. Fuck. 

I can't be responsible for life. I can't protect it. 

I only end it. 

With that harrowing thought, I swallowed and disconnect the girls gripping from my arms. They seemed to have remembered themselves as they jumped back with crimson blushes covering their cheeks. They tried to clear their throats, and the girl who had fainted leaned up against the bed. 

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