Ch. 2 Part 2- I'm a What?

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"Impossible...This-how-how are you here? How did you find me?" Sally looked at the two people in front of her with disbelief and horror. "I put up warding spells! How did you find me? Why are you here!?"

"I have some very inquisitive students, one of which is your nephew's friend, who introduced me to a variety of spells. She happened to show me one that overpowered you wards. We need your help Sally."

"No. I left the wizarding world far behind me. I have put that part of my life behind me, I am no longer a witch. I won't do it. Whatever it is, I won't do it. I have a life, a family. I won't abandon them."

Severus had kept quiet during their little altercation and observed her house. It was a nice apartment, not too large but not confining. The walls were painted an off white, almost more of a sandy peach color, like crushed up coral and sea shells. The walls were adorned with bookshelves filled with novels and ancient artifacts, specifically ones that seemed Greek originated and ocean or sea centered. In the left corner of the large living space was a white circular table. An opened laptop rested by the edge, open folders and disorganized pages scattered around it. An opening in the walls connected this room to another, most probably the kitchen. Across the table was a corridor that led to more rooms and space. 

The room they were in had windows across two walls, showing the large and bustling city outside. There was a brick fireplace with a white and baby sea blue mantle adorned with pictures. There were many of a black haired and sea green eyed boy, varying in age and size. There was no male in the pictures though until he saw a wedding photo of Sally and a dirty blonde man. Then the man started showing up in more pictures and the boy had less pictures. Must be her family Snape thought. But where is the boy?

"Mom? You home?" Sally's head snapped up!

"Percy?!" She called back frantically. She looked at the two wizards then back at the door where the boy's voice was coming from. She felt her stomach drop as she realized she would have to tell Percy everything. And she feared what he would but she also feared what Albus might do. 

"Mom? Where- there you are!" Dumbledore and Snape watched in awe as the deep, calming voice walked into the room. 

The boy was more a man than they had thought. He looked to be around 18 years old but could have easily passed for someone older. He was tall, around 6'4 or 6'5 and his face was godly. He had chiseled jaw bones with a little bit of black scruff that added to his rugged look. His hair raven black hair was rough and messy with small bangs that brushed just past his eyebrows. He had high cheek bones but they weren't overly defined. He reminded Snape of Greek statues of Gods and Heroes; he looked perfect. He was deeply tanned, like a Hawaiian surfer would be and well built. Even though he wore loose fitting jeans and a zip up jacket, you could still make out the form of his lean, well carved brawn. He was definitely active in many sports or activities. His muscles were from practice and use, not just gym workouts. 

His most stunning feature were his eyes though. They seemed to be alive. The were a fathomless medley of deep ocean blue and sea green colors that swirled and mixed together. They held such power that they just drew you in and held your gaze, much like a snake's. They reminded him of the sea, how it was unpredictable and dangerous. But what surprised the two men was the haunted, pained look in his eyes.They seemed almost dull in a way and much older than his age. They seemed to hold the wisdom of the ages and countless of war stories. His eyes were those of a seasoned warrior, not a young man just experiencing life and freedom. His eyes held a depth Snape hadn't seen in a long time. Dumbledore was also surprised by not only the boys eyes but by his aura. 

When he walked in power just seemed to be oozing out of his every pore. He glowed, a small outline of gold and sea green surrounding his body. As he walked forward and embraced his mother, Albus noticed how the power fluctuated when observing the older wizard. It was almost drowning, the pressure and presence of his capabilities are immeasurable. It seemed fill the air and the sunlight seemed drawn to him. He is no normal wizard. 

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