Ch. 15 Part 2

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He stepped through the trees into a hollowed clearing, the ground covered in dead decaying leaves and strands of torn bark. The grass was compacted, kissing the dirt as it lay bent under the weight of trotting hooves. The snowfall was sparse as the tree branches carried most of the winter's mark, though a few white mounds lay sparsely scattered near some tree trunks. The most stunning view in the clearing however were the haunted beauties gracefully playing and eating. There was a mare and her colt eating from the remains of some type of animal carcass, and the colt playfully tore the meat off before letting it fly into the air as it tried to catch it in its mouth. Percy couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him. The mother turned her head to him and Percy swore he saw a twinkle of laughter in her eyes as she gave him a small bow with her head. He returned it and continued walking forward towards the herd

The other horse-like beings lifted their heads as he passed, pausing to give a short bow of their necks before returning to their pasturing, though a few adults and some young came forth, curious to meet their visitor. They felt a pull to him, a bond they had only felt when in the presence of Death or each other. This being had a power, with elements very familiar to them, though it was alien as a whole. They were curious. 

Percy felt their curiosity and saw it in their gaze. He smiled down at the young foals and stood still by the log of a long forgotten fallen tree. They lifted their hooves up hesitantly, nudging their heads toward his outreaching hand before spooking away. They'd rear and neigh and run back and forth, playing with Percy who stood as still as a statue. The older horses nickered their way, encouraging the colts to be brave. 

The mare's colt hadn't moved and played as the others did. He too stood still, his head tilted as his wings fluttered. He observed this strange new being and met his eyes unwaveringly. Percy looked into the colt's eyes and got lost in their innocence. The young one was so playful, so curious, and so amusing. Percy couldn't help but think of his younger self. He moved his fingers, the same way one would to lure a fish in a river. He let out a little nicker of his own and clicked his tongue. The young colt and a few others pawed at the ground and tilted their heads upon hearing the sound. They called out and pranced, then began to tip toe closer. 

The young colt he had been staring at walked with sure but hesitant footing. He didn't prance about as the others did and he leaned his head forward, taking a big sniff with his nostrils while lifting his lip to expose his black teeth. Percy kept still as he let the little one closer. Some creatures, out of fear, can lash out or act aggressively. Others become so excited, they forget he is not one of their kind and therefore is smaller and weaker than they. In the case of his wolves, that meant a giant snow and dog pile with the pack yipping around and slobbering him up. 

"It is okay little one...I would never harm you." The colt turned to his mother and she nodded her head. With that he was refilled with excitement and no longer seemed hesitant to approach. He laid his muzzle into Percy's hand and Percy stroked the soft leather of the young one's skin. It was smooth, yet still retained a rough texture. He felt each breath leave it nostrils and he ran his hand along the forehead, where a horse's forelock would normally rest. He took three of his fingers and swirled them in a counterclockwise manner right between the eyes. It calmed normal horses and Pegasus, so he wondered if it would have the same effect on this Threstral. 

Soon enough, the colt's eyes began to close and his head began to bob in time with the circular motion of Percy's finger. The god let out a chuckle and pulled back his hand. The colt stumbled as he was pulled out of the hypnotic lull, shaking its head and fluttering its wings. Percy walked toward the colt's back and ran his hand along its spine. He felt the thin membrane of the youngster's wings and marveled at their fragility and strength. In their jealousy, the younger colts came forward and thrust their heads against Percy's body. He had to take a step back to steady himself and he let out another deep, nearly silent chuckle. He spent a good long while giving them the attention they so readily demanded from him, petting and nickering freely. The parents wandered a bit closer but nothing else was said or done on their part, though a few juveniles joined in. The herd went about their business and the mare watched from where she lay between two trees, on a slight incline above the clearing. 

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