Ch. 14- Percy Takes On A Curse ....

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"So what if Professor Jackson has a Hellhound as a familiar?" Ron questioned seemingly unperturbed. After a few seconds of silence, he looked up at his friends with a questioning glance. As he looked up, he saw the flabbergasted expressions of both Harry and Hermione, their mouths dropped open and eyes wide. Hermione seemed stuck between shock and wanting to laugh at how ridiculous Ron's suggestion was. Harry on the other hand, while stunned, seemed to be considering it.

"Hellhounds existence hasn't even been confirmed and even if it had-"

"Based on the lore, their Master would have to be one not only of incredible power, but also of incredible darkness. They are not beings of the 'light' or goodnatured. At least not according to the lore. In myth they serve the Lord of the Underworld, are Demons of the Christian Hell, the list goes on. But the consensus is that whoever they serve, is not the nicest of souls."

"And Professor Jackson said so himself, he's killed before and he's almost been killed before." At Harry's bitter remark, they all slipped into their memories, thinking back on Sirius' mistrust and Percy's mafia like family structure.

"So you've killed before?" As soon as he looked up, as soon as Harry made eye contact he had his answer.

"Yes..." With that final word the memory faded, bringing Harry back to the comfortable chaos that was Three Broomsticks. He looked to his side to see Ron and then tilted his head back forward to look at Hermione, shifting his eyes farther back to see the two Professor's conversing across the room.

The area where they decided to sit was a bit more secluded, which was very convenient. You could hear the murmuring of voices in the background but they were not so loud that they'd be a distraction from their important conversation. Their relative isolation was desirable. They could spy on the Professor without being obvious, there was no one to overhear or interrupt and it was comfortably placed right by the fire. After letting his eyes skitter around the area, Harry's glared zeroed in on the Professor once more. Neither one of his friend's missed his shift in attention and behavior.

"How can we be sure? For all we know he's all talk, just like Draco: all bark and no bite. Right?" Hermione shook her head at Ron's words.

"It's not right. If he were lying, it'd be much harder for us to believe him. And even if it was, the fact that we all find him capable of taking a life is worrying enough. There are very few in our lives who we judge to be truly evil, but even within that, we rarely, if ever think that they are capable of murder. After everything we've been through, our instincts are little bit more heightened; we're more suspicious of everything. We sense when something isn't right. And when he was telling us those things, I don't know about you guys but aside from being appalled, I had no doubt."

"But we don't know everything! We're treating him like a murder! For all we know, it could have been self defense-"

"Or he could have murdered somebody! Or both Ron! That's just the thing though. We don't know. And nobody is willing to tell us. Dumbledore, who normally tries to assist us, is stonewalling instead. What is there to hide?"

"Aside from everything? Harry, he's a stranger in our world and seems like a very private person. He has a right to be secluded, no matter how uncomfortable or off it might make us feel. And what harm could there be in trusting him? Dumbledore does, Molly and Arthur do..." Hermione sighed in exasperation. "He was brought here to protect us and to teach us. Perhaps in protecting someone, he had to kill. The older students like him enough and-"

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