Ch. 16- Caught Red Handed

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He flared his hands out again at hip level only to bring them up closer to his face, as if inspecting them. The flash of light returned, and it began to encase his entire body. It pulsed white, silver, and then arctic blue. The grass trembled beneath his feet and a wind began to pick up around him. It swirled and howled and Hermione likened the the circular pattern of its movement to a hurricane or tornado. Soon enough, the wind picked up ice and snow, and became a blizzard surrounding him. The Trio shielded their eyes, their eyelashes and eyebrows freezing and their faces going numb. Their eyes watered at the strength of the gales and they found their breath escaping them and their minds swam. He's been hiding this raw power all along? How can he summon magic without a wand? It was unheard of and the theories began to form in Hermione's mind. The likelihood of him being an Elemental or someone who possesses the powers of ancient wizards was becoming more and more probable.

When their hands and turned shoulders could no longer shield them, they hid behind the nearby trees and bushes, using their masses as barriers for protection. The blizzard winds continued on for what seemed like hours, but was probably only a few minutes at most.

All at once, the winds stopped. The temperature rose to normal and their breaths stopped looking like their souls leaving their bodies. The snow stopped falling and the ice melted away again. It was instantaneous and they took a few moments to re-situate themselves. As they peaked back around the tree trunks, they found themselves once again shocked.

"I almost forgot what he looked like...." 


Percy opened his eyes hesitantly, the flash having temporarily blinded him. He blinked away the white blots of light flaring across his vision, refocusing on the forest and Threstrals surrounding him. He blinked a few more times and then looked down. He was still wearing the same clothes, so that was good. The first few times he had tried flashing somewhere the way normal gods do, he ended up flashing his clothes away in the process. Thaaaat was an interesting moment. Sometimes his pack would still bring it up to annoy him. 

As he looked down and wiggled his toes inside his boots, he brought his hands froward and observed them. "I-I have normal skin again....I no longer look like the Walking Dead! Point 1 Percy!" He stopped his little cheer at the sound of nickering. "Oh shut up." His only reply was a snort and the sound of fluttering wings. "Jeez, I thought this was a place of no judgement..." he mumbled under his breath, returning his gaze back onto his tanned skin. 

He brought his hand up to his hair and ruffled it, happy to notice that no snowflakes and ice crystals fell down as he did so. He brought his hand down to his face and wiped some residual snow away, relishing the warmth of his skin once more. To his surprise, he found the rough bristles of a five-o'clock shadow. He let out a resigned sigh. He had liked not having to deal with facial hair and knew he'd have to clean himself up soon. 

"Well, look's like I'm back to normal...well, as normal as I can get" he said under his breath. He was kinda disappointed. He expected to feel some big change, a weight off of his shoulders. But he didn't. He just felt warmer and a littler shorter. No huge revelations of the soul to be found here. Guess it was stupid to think anything would be different. 

He rolled his shoulders and popped some sore joints, getting used to the feeling of having a larger frame again. He had forgotten how much muscles weighed, but he had missed the feeling of his body's raw power instead of just the hum of his magical abilities within his veins. He let out a little smile at feeling relatively normal, but it was quickly wiped away. His shoulders sunk and his posture screamed defensive. 

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