Ch. 6 Part 2- Professor Jackson?! cont.

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ATTTENTION ALL READERS!!!!!!! Before you read this part, re-read the chapter before this because I added onto it. You might be confused if you don't, so please do!! Message sent and recival confirmed....You may now continue...


Percy P.O.V.

"WHAT?!" Harry shouted, standing up in protest. Many other students got up shouting and yelling in confusion. Many students followed Harry's example, voicing out their opinions of discontent and betrayal. The shock resonated in my body, confusion following only to be overpowered by my anger. I turned towards Dumbledore eager to get some clarification. 

"What do you think you are doing?!" I hissed. "Are you trying to expose me and the Order?! Are trying to turn these kids into soldier?! They will DIE!!" I felt my aura flaring up but I did nothing to stop it. No one would see it anyway and it would only show Dumbledore how truly and royally pissed I was. 

"Which is exactly why I made you a teacher. As a student, you would not be able to properly protect us. Did you not swear to defend us? I am simply holding you to your word Perseus..." I felt my anger flare.

"Do not presume to hold power over me mortal! Yes I swore an oath but so did you. They cannot find out about the others in this world. Especially now! They won't survive or understand!! They are civilians, they won't be able to fight!"

"Thus you shall teach them to. You know better than anyone here what war is...and war is coming, we can no longer pretend otherwise Percy. I want them to live, to be safe. You are my only hope in that regard. You cannot die, you can heal and you can prepare them for what will come. 

"I can prepare them to defend and attack but nothing, no training I can do will prepare them for killing. For death. No amount of words and practice can steel a person for the first time they take a life. It will break them..." Dumbledore looked down. 

"It's a risk we will have to take...Sacrifices have to be made..."

"Do not speak to me about sacrifices" I spoke bitterly, flashbacks of my fallen friends and past battles flashing through my vision. I slumped my shoulder slightly in defeat and took away my emotions, speaking in a monotone voice. "But I see your point. Better to have them prepared and lose a few then leave them defenseless for slaughter. I just hope you understand what you have forced them into. I will train them as I have been trained. They could very well die in my class. I will not sugar coat or lessen my trainings. I will treat them as soldiers and push them just as hard. They will get no coddling form me Dumbledore. If its a war they will face, then it is with war that I will prepare them. I hope you understand that..."

"...I do Perseus. I do. But remember, they are children. They are not like you..."

"You seem to forget that I am a child too...they will just have to grow up. It's either that or their death." I walked away from him before he could reply. I stepped forward and observed the chaos in front of me. I have to train that....Is this how Shang felt in Mulan? I continued to watch a little bit, deflating as I say a Slytherin throw a pathetic punch. They had no form or technique. Or power. It just sucked plain and simple. 

I continued to wait, seeing if they would calm down by themselves. I stood there for maybe a minute before my ADHD started making me aggravated. I flashed my eyes silver and shouted. 

"ENOUGH!!!!" I added extra power and persuasion in my voice as it echoed within the room. The students immediately quieted down. They fearfully turned towards me, some of the younger children shaking slightly. I faced them emotionless, glaring slightly. I've got a lot of work to do if they are scared just by me.... 

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