Getting to Know the Author- Q and A #1

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Q1. Will I have Percy fall in love with someone else or have him move on into another relationship? -from many concerned readers

No I will not. I will be having Percy as a loner in this story though there will be a few females trying to gain his affections *cough* Aphrodite *cough*, amongst others. But otherwise no. Annabeth was his soul mate and, if she had lived, she would have become his wife and queen for all eternity. The reason I apologized in advance for Percabeth shippers.....










....... revolves around a future chapter I cannot be more specific about. All I can say is have kleenex nearby and prepare for the feels. A dangerous bombardment of world crushing feels. And please don't hate me. You'll know the chapter I am talking about just by the title.

Just saying'll probably end up hating me. It will be that bad.

You have been warned

Q2. Will I bring Annabeth back? -from many Percabeth shipping readers

NOPE!!!! Sorry, not sorry. But she is gone in this story... *whispers* Forever! But she might make an appearance in....











.......... something.  Just not what (or in the way) you want her to.

Q3. What kind of degree are you going to be studying and what kind of job are you looking for? -RoseThorn14

Very good question. It is kind of complicated for me, mostly because I am interested in so many different things and fields of study. Only picking one field of study seems impossible. I do know however I will be doing a double major. I know for a fact I will have multiple degrees in multiple fields because I love to learn and many things fascinate me. The degrees I have may not contribute to my job, but I will get them none the less throughout my life, most likely through online study. I am planning on obtaining my Masters and I don't think I will get a Phd. To much time and effort. I am very lazy. Unless I fall in love with a subject. I will tell you the subjects I plan on studying later on in life and the ones I am studying now.

Music for sure. And Art. Whether that be watercolor, photography, or professional restoration, who knows? 

Marine Biology or Oceanography 

Psychology and Philosophy. Especially Philosophy 

Criminology and Criminal Sciences.

I was thinking about Environmental Sciences but I am not too positive on making those my major. Maybe a minor degree instead. 

And I have fallen in love with Anthropology, which is perfect considering my love of Archeology. 

Now I know if I don't add this, a lot of you will be yelling at me saying "What the hell are you thinking not taking a Creative Writing Course or becoming an author?!" I right? Well if I am, comment that and your thoughts. 

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