Ch. 2 Part 1- Finding the lost Potter

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All right, I am saying this now. When it comes to the Harry Potter portion of this story, I will be changing up the plot and storyline a bit to fit with how I want it this story to go. I will be changing their ages and merging a few of the books/movies togther. Please tell me if certain things confuse you so that way I can clear the plot up for you all. Thanks! 


Three months later...

Albus looked out from his study window, overlooking Hogwarts from above. The night sky was serene, no clouds were there to block the starry sky. A crescent moon glowed from above, casting an eery silver glow on the lake and forest below.  His hair had long since lost all color, staying a pale white, the strands frizzy but untangled. A dark gray tassel hat sat atop his head crooked, covering part of his forehead. His silver gray robes were wrinkled and unkept, small stains lining the sleeves and ink splotches dying the fabric threads. His hands were clapsed behind his back in a seemingly innoccent pose but his knuckles were white as he tried to prevent his fingers from shaking. His shoulders were hunched forward, the weight of the world pressing him down. His eyes were bloodshot, deep, loose bags rimming his sockets. Heavy wrinkles began to grow, signs of his insomnia and aging. 

Standing behind him was a congregation of his most trusted friends and allies. Sirius Black, Severus Snape, Arthur and Molly Weasley, and Remus Lupin. All members of the Order of the Phoenix. They looked upon their teacher and friend with worry. Since their arrival, Dumbledore had said nothing. He just sighed and walked to the window. They all shared his troubles however, they all feared for Harry Potter's life and Voldemort's power gain. They were beginning to lose hope and faith. Many of those they approached turned away because they feared Voldemort's wrath and the Ministry. 

"I have asked you all here for-for a very troubling matter. It would seem that, an old friend form our past seems to have...resurfaced." Every head turned forward towards him, curiosity blazing in their concerned eyes. 

"Now I know that a few of you hold a grudge against her but, she was the top of her class and a witch we all admired. If we can get her to join us, we will gain a very powerful and knowledgeable ally."

"Enough with your riddles Albus. Don't keep us in suspense any longer." Dumbledore turned around, twisting his torso to face them. His eyes held relief, joy and guilt but everyone in the room was unsure of the emotions' origins. 

"I have found the lost Potter." Silence and disbelief was his only reply. 

"That-that's impossible! She died, she left us! Why would you even want to find her?! She left James and Lily to rot and now you want her to help us?! What are you thinking Albus?! Are you mad?!" 

"At least he is thinking Sirius!" Sirius balked at Severus' yell. The Slytherin rarely raised his voice but it seemed as if that didn't matter. He was furious. "She betrayed us all when she left, but she had her reasons! You weren't there! She tried to warn James and Lily, she tried to get them to join her, but they refused! And then they died because they were too stubborn and prideful. You have no right to pass judgement on her and hold a grudge. That was years ago! The Order would be foolish to refuse her help! You might not remember but she was the top of our class. We could use her power. We cannot afford refusing her just because she left the wizarding world and you." he spat. Sirius opened his mouth to reply but was cut off. 

"Severus is right Sirius. Sally was our friend too but none of us know what exactly drove her away. Whether you like it or not my friend, we need her." The room all looked at Remus, absorbing his words. Severus and Sirius parted, tensions still high between them but, as they accepted Remus' words, they  stood at a distance, quiet and composed.

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