Future Chapter(s) Teaser

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I'm sorry


How could my love die while I'm alive? -Ugo Foscolo 


"I will wait for him. I will. I love him and I'm not going to just let that go. He holds me together, he pulls me in. No matter what, I always know he's with me. He holds me without touch and he keeps me without chains. He's everything I could ever want or need. How can you even ask me to go on without that? How could I not wait for him?"


"I don't want to forget. That's the worst curse of immortality. Time moves on and we stay frozen. It flows around us and we forget. The more time that passes, the harder and harder it is for me to recall her face, the way she smiled, her voice. It becomes a muffled blur the more I try to remember it. And soon, her name will no longer be a dull ache within my heart. I'd rather live in pain forever if that meant I'd never forget her."


"Do you know what it felt like? Dying? Dying without you? Going to Elysium and knowing you were still out there, that you would live on the life we were supposed to have together without me? It felt like my world was crumbling. I didn't have you with me there. We became separated by Life and Death and I....gods it felt like a true death. But I had that hope...that small hope you'd come back to me. And we'd be together here at least...Don't take that away from me. Please...don't. Don't I-I couldn't-couldn't take it....please Percy...don't do this...."


"I didn't plan for this.", he whispered as he brushed away her tears.  "I didn't plan on all of you dying. I didn't plan on you dying." Annabeth dropped her head in shame, silently blaming herself for being caught off guard by Gaea. "I didn't plan on becoming a god. Nothing went as planned. Because if it had" he pulled her head up and forced her to look him in the eyes, "we'd be married by now. I'd be kissing you goodnight and pulling you away from your laptop or notebook to be sure you got a goodnight's rest. I'd be hugging you from behind and laughing as we prepared dinner. If things had gone the way I had planned, we'd be in bed cuddling as I whispered I love you right now. I'd be fingering my wedding ring in disbelief, wondering what I could have ever done to deserve you. I'd be looking at you to only fall in love with you even more, despite your snoring." She weakly slapped his chest, playing along with his attempt at humor, though that only made her recognize the weight of hia words even more.

"I don't snore." she grumbled, trying to ignore how her heart wretched at his words of marriage and the promise of family.

Percy let out a forced chuckle, trying to ease the pain destroying them both. "Keep telling yourself  that Princess." he said softly.


"Gods why don't you hate me?" he cried into her shoulder, true confusion and heartbreak echoing his words.

"What? How could I ever hate you?" She was truly appalled, wondering where this thought came from.

"How could you ever love me?" he countered.


"You make me weak."


"B-but I l-love you..."she gasped. He stayed silent before meeting her eyes with his.

"That's not enough."


Their lips met as two dying stars.

Their lips met as two dying stars

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