Dear Plagiarist...

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Now, I understand plagiarism is considered one of the greater forms of flattery but not only is it illegal but it is also extremely infuriating.

I am a writer. My stories are a part of me and the product of my imagination. They are my dreams, childhood fantasies, and deepest wishes written and shared for your enjoyment and pleasure. I share pieces of both myself and my experiences yet I've come to find the sanctity of my creativity has been disrespected.

If you want to use my stories for something, all you have to do is ask. If you want to so a spinoff, ask. A rewrite, ask. A translation, ask. You want to upload it to another medium or another site, ask me. Give me that courtesy as a creator, an author, and a person.

I am reasonable. I am supportive. I will listen and consider. But plagiarism, taking my words, my characters, and my plots without my permission and claiming its yours with no mention of me, the original's hurtful, insulting, and incredibly anger inducing.

I understand you enjoy my works and that they are gaining in popularity, but that is no excuse. Using my stories for your own gain is....I feel so overwhelmingly disgusted there are no words to vocalize my opinion of you and your actions against me.

You have beautiful creative minds. Use them. If you need help with starting a story, editing, creating a plot, whatever you need, all you have to do is ask. Ask me. I have no qualms whatsoever in helping you. Any of you.

Just ask me. Respect me, my characters, my plot, and my works. Give me the courtesy and rights I have with my stories, which are all copyrighted, including my fan-fictions. For those that may be fan writing based off other works, the story and plot is mine. They are originals, my originals unless stated otherwise. I give others that respect and courtesy so why couldn't you dear plagiarist? Why couldn't you do that for me?

What could you possibly gain from insulting, disrespecting, and most of all hurting me? What have you gained from the recognition that is not yours to receive? Or is it just the fact that you've stolen from me and tainted the joy I experience when I discover one more person has read and enjoyed my stories that satiates you?

Does that satisfy you? Corrupting that experience? Making me feel violated as you go on merrily abusing my words?

Do you know what plagiarism does? It makes me doubt. It makes me question if I should even continue writing at all because sooner or later, I will be treated thus. One act, just one act of evil can overshadow all the good.

How dare you try to cast my readers and the joy of writing into the shadows. How dare you try to do that to them and how dare you try to do that to me.

All I require is for you to ask. I have yet to deny approval or support. I have yet to say no because I love and support you all. But I also ask for you to respect me as a creator. You like my writing? Then respect it and sure as hell don't steal it. I can assure you, your ideas are just, if not more valuable then breaking the law and stealing something of mine or anyone else's.

Plagiarism isn't worth anything, but it can cost a person everything.


This matter has already been resolved, the story/stories taken down and the proper people have been informed.

Please do not try to find the person or persons and harass them. I don't condone that. The situation is handled, they have apologized and have been accordingly punished by Wattpad and other sites, but I still felt this message should be shared, not only to share my thoughts and inform you all, but to also deter people who would become future plagiarists.

Thank you for your support and patience my darlings ❤️

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