Ch. 4 Part 2- Introductions Cont.

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Two days had passed since Percy's arrival and the tensions had not ceased. Everyone in the household was very curious about the new resident. Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George had yet to officially meet him, only seeing him for brief moments outside of his room or when he left the house with Snape. No one knew that they were training together and that made both men more suspicious. Sirius had kept quiet but he was still very distrusting of Percy and cautious around Snape. Hermione was frustrated. Percy was a mystery and she knew next to nothing about him; that was infuriating. Fred and George had set up many pranks outside and around the house for Percy yet every time they checked, the traps were dismantled and untripped. 

Percy and Snape had bonded quite a bit over the two days, almost close enough to be considered friends. Snape talked to Percy about his mom and their friendship, confessing how he had fallen in love with Harry's mom and more. He talked about his childhood and schooling years, including how he and Lily's relationship had been ended fifth year. Percy had been enraged when he heard how his uncle mistreated his new mentor but was relieved when he heard how his mom protected him. Snape had trusted Percy enough to show him his Death Eater tattoo and in return Percy showed his Roman Legion branding which, when clouded by the mist, looked very similar to the Dark Mark. Percy told Snape a very watered down version of his childhood, sharing how Gabe mistreated both his mom and himself and every accident that happened at hi schools. Snape hated hearing how Percy's dad abandoned them, leaving Sally to marry a monster but knew Percy had taken care of it in some way. On the second day, Percy shared his true half-blood heritage, knowing Snape was under oath, and was surprised when Snape did not act with shock or disbelief but with recognition. 

Both Snape and Percy recognized each other as powerful wizards and as a wise opponent. Snape was impressed with how quickly Percy absorbed the spells and how battle savvy he was. He no longer held back when dueling Percy, awed by how the teen could cast spells off of instinct and how he could cast them without an incantation. Percy was impressed with how Snape handled their battles and attacks, analyzing every spell and reaction. Throughout their training and battles, they had created a bond. Percy taught Snape many different attack styles and shared his weapon wisdom, gaining Snape's respect. He even got Snape to smile and laugh. Both men knew the other had experienced and had witnessed things worse than death. They were comforted in each other's presences, knowing they were connected by the bad hand life had given them. They both spoke about their lives in a detail and honesty neither had before. They both needed to unburden themselves and both were grateful for their bond. 

Snape had been suspicious of the Percy but that had quickly been dissipated. When he looked in Percy's eyes he saw himself. He decided to trust Percy and had not been disappointed. It was unlike his character to trust and let people in but there was something about Percy that drew him in. He respected Percy and saw him as a leader. In the short two days he had been with the boy, Snape had started feeling again. He felt accepted and unjudged, he felt that Percy was someone he could go to when he needed support and when he needed a friend. It was so alien Snape had no idea what to do. Whenever he was approached by the others in the Weasley house, he would avoid them and keep what they did a secret. Today was the last day he had with Percy and was surprised to find himself saddened at the prospect of leaving. 

"So you're leaving?"

"Yes. Dumbledore informed me that Mr. Potter would be arriving tonight and he does not trust me. He does not even know I am in the Order. He only recognizes me as a Death Eater. It is wise for me to leave before he comes."

Percy sighed. "You are so selfless Sev. If only they knew everything. You are a true soldier. I thank you for training me and letting me share my burdens. I had no idea how much I needed that until I started talking."

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