Chapter 1

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This is the first chapter, I hope you like it. Sorry for any spelling mistakes. Have a wonderful day!

"Finally, the end of the day," Sophie Foster said in relief.

Even though she loved her school, Foxfire, it was tiring. The countless amounts of tests and homework papers just seemed to add up. She especially needed to study for alchemy. That class is a nightmare. Even with photographic memory it is hard because it is way more than memorizing a list of instructions.

"Foster, aren't I supposed to come over and help you study today!"  Keefe called after her.

    Oh right she thought. She had completely forgotten about that. She was now kind of excited because Keefe was actually really fun to hang out with. He always made jokes about things when they are needed most. Even with his hyper personality he was very calming in some way. He always seemed to bring out the best in her.

    "Foster, did you seriously forget about me, I'm hurt." he said very over dramatic with a pout on his face.

    "No," she said firmly.

    "I can tell you're lying," he said with a devilish smirk as he sang the words.

    "Fine, I did, now let's go before Grady and Edaline get worried." she replied.

    Keefe grabbed Sophie's hand and they used the home crystal. They go to Sophie's room to start studying.

     Sophie groaned as she started to dig out the many books she uses for studying. As she carried them across the room they started to fall out of her hands, till her hands were completely empty.

"Foster, you ok" Keefe shouted across the room.

He rushes over and starts to help her pick up all of her books. She looked up and his face was very close to hers. She felt her face flush red . The silence broke when Sophie looked down to get the last of the books.

    "Thank you" she looked at keefe and smiled.

    "Anytime Foster, where would you be without me?" he said, smirking the cute way he always did.

    "To be fair without me you would right now be serving a life sentence to detention" she replied.

"That's not true, I'm already practically serving two life sentences in detention." he said grinning.

    Sophie rolled her eyes and gave up. She walked with her books to her bed and sat down to start studying. Keefe sat down next to her and they took turns reading the text out loud. They made fun of the names of the different ingredients for the mixtures.

    After going through many lessons in books it was time for Keefe to go home. Sophie sighed sadly knowing this would have to happen. Sophie hugged Keefe goodbye.

    "Bye Foster, seem you tomorrow." he said looking at her.

    "Bye" she said as she watched him use a home crystal of his own to get back home.

    She closed her eyes and started to think. Sometimes she was worried about Keefe. He was around a father who thought he wasn't good enough and his mother, well that was a different conversation. And not a fun one to talk about.

Since Keefe never wanted to go home he usually spent after school at Fitz house or Sophies. Sometimes as a big group they would just meet together. It was nice to be around people who care.

Sophie started to get ready for bed. She went ahead and took a shower, got changed into pajamas, and went downstairs to say goodnight to Grady and Edaline. After that she goes to bed, hugging Ella,her stuffed elephant, tightly until she goes to sleep.

When she woke up was grateful for the dreamless sleep. She needed something to be happy about because today she had her least favorite class. The one who brought her embarrassment  in her first session at Foxfire. Alchemy.

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