Chapter 2

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Thank you so,so, so much if you are reading this, it means the world to me. I promise the story will get better. Soon I will try and get an updating schedule going.Thank you Now on to the story!

Last class of the day, alchemy. She only had it once a week, but each class seemed to get worse every time. Sophie sighed as she awkwardly walked into the class room. Last week she accidentally made her work blow up, and her whole face was covered in soot. Her eyes were practically glued shut, so Keefe had to walk her to Elwin. Sophie sat down at her desk and waited for instructions. (I know it is a one on one class but pretend it is not private lessons for the purpose of the fanfic)

"Good afternoon class, today we will do a review, I will be calling students up to show me on how to create something, this will not be graded" Lady Gavin said glaring at the students.

"Sophie Foster, will you please come up here and show us how to make iron." she glared at Sophie distastefully.

"Yes ma'am." Sophie said shuffling up to the front of the class.

The class was filled with about ten people. She nervously looked at everyone. They seemed to be preparing for the worse, except for Keefe who winked at her and gave her a thumbs up.

She starts to mix the ingredients together. Her photographic memory being very helpful. The last part was very complicated. You had to mix the ingredients together in a way that kind of relied on improvisation.

She slowly started to mix. So far so good, I may even go to this class without an accident, she thought. And that was the moment where she jinxed herself hard. Suddenly the mixture started to bubble and heat up. It started to fling everywhere , including onto Sophie.

She winced as warm metal stung her skin, the bubbling suddenly stopped, but the damage was made. Her hands were covered in burns. They were too shocked to hurt that much. She was the only thing the metal touched.

Something that stung worse than the metal was the giggling coming from Lady Galvin's mouth. It sounded like a hyena and a cat getting run over by a train at the same time.

"Ms.Foster,(giggle) please have someone take you to the hospital wing (giggle)" Lady Galvin said giggling, trying not to laugh.

Keefe rushed to Sophie's side and was pretty much carrying her to the hospital wing. The pain was starting to come on strong. She moaned as they continued their way. Keefe let her burry her head into his chest and cry until they got to Elwin.

"What happened!" Elwin said looking at Sophie's burnt hands.

"Got burned in Alchemy today by hot, liquid metal." Keefe replied, carefully setting Sophie onto one of the beds.

"Can Keefe stay." Sophie said painfully.

Elwin nodded and started to get to work. He rubbed a pink tinted balm on her hands that seemed to cool then down. Then he got some bandages wet with some sort of clear green liquid and wrapped them around Sophie's hands.

"Stay for the rest of the period and then take off the bandages and go home." Elwin said looking at Sophie's hands.

She nodded and sat up and looked at Keefe. He sat down next to her and they sat there in silence. She rested her head on his shoulder. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was peaceful and comfortable. 

The moment was over when the bell rang for students to go some. Sophie took off the bandages to reveal perfectly fine hands. She thanked Elwin and hugged Keefe goodbye.

Sophie went home and went into her bedroom and started to read. Not the elven books , but the human stories , like Harry Potter, and Percy Jackson. She fell asleep reading.

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