Chapter 9

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Hey y'all! I have no idea why I was just southern... Anyways I am super nervous because today I get to learn if I can get my soft cast off (I sprained my ankle really bad less than a week ago). So please wish me luck. I hope you have had or are having a wonderful day, and as usual I hope you enjoy that chapter. (This next few chapters are more dramatic because your girl loves the tea 😏)

It was after class, and Sophie was kind of nervous. She was hoping he was just going to ask her about some congates training or stuff, because if it was about the dance it would be as awkward as heck.

Sophie walked towards Fitz in the hallway and he smiles and judges her to the side.

"So, you wanted to ask me something? Sophie said.

"Umm... Yes, I was wondering if you would go to the school dance with me? I mean you don't have to, but I kind of want it to be you." Fitz looked at Sophie, him blushing.

Sophie though was sure that her face was even more red! Her biggest crush just asked her out to the school dance, but it just didn't feel right, it felt more awkward than natural, but that might just be her.

"Fitz, you are a really great guy, really great. But is it okay if I have a little time to think about it. I mean it's not your fault, it's just I need a little time to think where there is less noise and not so much school stuff in my brain." Sophie told Fitz.

Fitz nodded and they told each other goodbye and went to their next class. Fitz actually took it much better than Sophie expected, he seemed almost completely normal, more shocked than anything though.

'Soooooo, what did my brother want?" Biana asked.

'Well, he kind of asked me to the school dance." Sophie replied looking down at her feet.

'Did you say yes?" Biana asked.

Sophie shakes her head no and Biana looked very understanding. Sophie was glad that she had such a good,understanding friend.

Ahh, sorry for the short chapter, I was trying to make it longer but it flowed better in the first draft because it was shorter. Hope you have a wonderful day/ night!❤️

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