Chapter 4

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I hope you have had a wonderful day so far! My plan for this fanfic is to post a new chapter every Saturday or Sunday. Also if there is a time gap there will be this heart ♡.I hope you enjoy this chapter! ❤️

Sophie woke up the next day and started getting ready for school. She took a shower, got dressed, and brushed her blonde hair. She quickly said goodbye to Edaline and Grady and leaped to Foxfire.

She went to her locker and started putting books into it from her book bag. After she got the certain books she needed she started her first class. She hoped that she would run into Keefe in the hallway, but sadly she didn't see him until study hall.

"Keefe" she whispered.

Keefe seemed to not hear her because he kept his eyes on his books and did not look up. The librarian looked at her and went shhh to her with a look of frustration. Sophie tugged out a loose eyelash.

Plain B Sophie thought. She started to write on a piece of loose leaf paper and started to write on it . Will you meet me after school? She folded it up and tossed him the note and it landed in front of him. He looked at it and picked it up and started to read it. He looked up to her and nodded his head in reply. She nodded and went back to studying.

Keefe just leaped home with Sophie since his dad didn't really care were he was as long as he was home in time for dinner. She and him walked into Havenfeild and went up to Sophie's room.

"Soooo, what do you want to talk about Foster that is so urgent." Keefe said.

"Well, I was planing to prank Lady Galvin!" she exclaimed.

"Foster are you suggesting we pull a Keefe on Lady Galvin" Keefe said.

"Duh, I think your personality is rubbing off onto me, maybe I've been spending to much time with you. Though Dex was the one who accidentally gave me the idea, but he did not say to prank her." Sophie explained.

"Two things, one Dex is now way more awesome, and two possible you aren't spending enough time with me rather than two much." he said with a handsome smirk.

"I better go now before daddy dearest is worried" Keefe said.

He hugged Sophie goodbye which was very unusual and light leaped away.

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