Chapter 10

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Hey!! I hope you have had a wonderful day. I just want to say thank you for reading this, it means the world to me. ❤️ I hope you enjoy the chapter, and sorry for how short it is. 

That afternoon Sophie and Keefe go to Sophie's place so they could work on setting up the prank. Though Sophie was distracted. Her biggest crush just asked her out to the school dance and she said basically said no, or that she was not sure! It was a lot to think about.

Keefe seemed to notice how Sophie was distant and decided to do something about it.

"Hey Foster, you okay?" Keefe questioned.

" Ummm.... Yeah, I guess you could say that, I'm just confused." she said.

"About what?" Keefe asked.

"I would prefer not to talk about it." Sophie said, looking down at her feet.

"Well, if you need anyone to talk to you can always come to me, I will listen, and Sophie?" Keefe said.

"Yes." Sophie replied.

They finished up with the prank, gathering up all the supplies, getting the scripts written, and planning the exact moment to do it. It felt good to just do something fun with a friend, since everything wasn't exactly rainbows and unicorns. Though before Keefe left he had a question. 

"Will you go to the dance with me?" Keefe said.

Oh no Sophie thought. She already was asked by someone and was asked again. It was like after class today with Fitz all over again, but with Keefe. Sophie was wide eyed, and Keefe noticed.

"How about this, tomorrow you tell me yes or no because you are hitting me with some very stressed emotions Foster." Keefe said.

Sophie didn't know what to do so she just nodded as Keefe light leaped away. She sat on her bed, thinking. Suddenly a voice said "You look like someone just stretched open your eyelids, need advice.".It was Sophie's mirror that once was Jollies. The one and only Vertina. 

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