Chapter 17

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Sooo, this is the last chapter....
Thank you guys for reading this crappy writing it means the world to me 😭. Let's get onto the chapter!

Keefe and Sophie walked outside of the school in the court yard.

It was also decorated like the school, with fairy lights and beautiful flowers.

The lighting was just perfect, and was very romantic, it made Sophie feel like she was in one of those hallmark movies her human mom use to be obsessed with.

"So, how have you liked the dance so far?" Keefe asked Sophie.

"Oh, it been really fun, thank you for taking me." Sophie blushed as she replied to Keefe.

They continued to walk and Keefe grabbed Sophie's hand as they walked. She felt safe with knowing Keefe was there.

"So Foster, have I been a good date?" Keefe smirked.

"So far yes, but we haven't gotten through the whole night so you better keep your gentleman behavior." Sophie replied.

Keefe nodded and said, "Yes ma'am".

They both stared at each other awhile and Keefe said, "May I kiss you?".

Sophie replied with putting her lips on his. Keefe kissed back.

It was wonderful, both felt as if their stomachs were filling with butterflies.

Once they stopped Keefe asked Sophie, "Will you be my girlfriend Foster?"

"Yes!" Sophie cried.

Will you? (A Sokeefe Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now