Chapter 14

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Okay, sooooo. We are on chapter 14 and if you are reading this thank you for sticking around for my terrible writing! Once I finish the story I am going to edit it all before marking it complete because looking back at the first few chapters all I could do is cringe. So that is happening, and yeah. I hope you enjoy the chapter! 

Sophie,Keefe, and Biana stood in their positions. Biana was going to pretend to not be at class that day, but really she was vanished in a corner, waiting for the signal to trigger the prank. Keefe was right next to Biana to give her the signal, and to through some elements into the whole thing. Last Sophie was across the room, ready to set her part of the prank of. 

When Lady Galvin sat in her chair the prank had started. 

Keefe gave the signal. 

An invisible Biana tugged on a clear, plastic, string that was attached to the chair and gave it a tug, making Lady Galvin jump a little out of her moved chair and then sat back down, only for the same thing to happen again. 

Keefe, pretending to laugh like the rest of the kids, covered his mouth so no one could see that he was actually making noises, started doing a creepy voice. He didn't say any real distinct words, more like moans, groans, and Oooos. 

Now it was Sophie's turn. 

She got out her smoke bomb that she and Keefe made out of flour and powdered sugar, plus Dex's help and knowledge of weaponry because nothing says scary weapon like a smoke bomb made out of baking supplies. She triggered it and threw it under Lady Galvins desk.  

All together it looked like Lady Galvin was being haunted by ghosts. 

Since they all executed there positions excellently there was no proof that they did it. To be safe Biana took the string off the chair right after class, which class turned out to be only five minutes since they were dismissed early because the classroom needed to be inspected. 

Sophie, Keefe, and Biana could not stop laughing. They actually pulled it off!

Wow! That was fun to write! I hope it was enough though. I wanted to make the prank something that the characters could actually do and pull off, so hopefully I accomplished that... Probably not but okay! As always I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope you have a good day or night!  ❤️

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