Chapter 13

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Well hello there! I am a lazy person who slacks at updating, and I am so sorry 😢. Anyways updates are now random because stress+busy=Me. Anyways let's continue with the story. Gosh it has been a while.

"Hey Keefe, can I tell you something?" Sophie asked.


Sophie took a big deep breath in and started explaining saying, "Well the reason I wanted a little time to decide is because someone else asked me to the dance,Fitz, and I said the same thing to him that I said to you. But I said that to him because I think in the first place I did not want to go with him, I wanted to go with you."
Sophie took a breath in between her fast pace speech. Wow I am bad at this she thought.

She continued, "When I told Fitz that I was not going with him he said that he actually was going to tell me he now was going with Marella. And I know that I did not give you when I should have and I made you wait, which I am so sorry for, but will you please let me except your offer to take me to the ball?" Sophie asked.

Keefe looked at her, stunned. Then he smiled and Sophie's heart melted.

"Yes!" He said.

He and Sophie embraced and then Keefe said, "Sophie, you know what time it is?"

"What?" Sophie asked.

"It is time to do some serious pranking." Keefe said with his trouble making smirk.

"Your right!" Biana said from behind them.

Sophie and Keefe squealed in surprise.

"How long have you been here?" Sophie asked.

"Long enough to know what is between you two, and YOUGUYSAREPERFECTFOREACHOTHER!" Biana shouted.

"Nosy vanishers" Sophie said angrily under her breath, but loud enough for all of them to hear.

The three burst into laughter.

Welp, that is it for this chapter. Finally things are kicking off! Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter and have a good day or night!❤️

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