Chapter 15

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Hey everybody!! We are almost done with this story! We only have around two chapters left which is crazy! And now things are getting interesting ;) Sit back, relax, and pleas enjoy the chapter.

It was the afternoon of the day of the school dance, and Sophie was so exited and stressed at the same time.

She was getting ready with Biana and Linh at Everglen. The other day they went dress shopping together and it was really fun, but it was hard to choose a dress.

Linh was the first to find a dress which was a sparkling blue one that faded to white at the end of the skirt. It kind of looked like the ocean, which is why Sophie suspected she chose that dress. And the skirt stopped right below her knees.

Biana ended choosing a purple dress that was very poofy and of course very ✨Sparkly✨. An assortment of gems and glitter were allover the bottom and top. It went all the way down to her feet.

The dress Sophie got was a pretty shade of red that got lighter and it reached the bottom of the skirt. It was long and poofy, but not as poofy as Biana's dress. The girls said it was perfect for Sophie because "red was her color".

The girls getting ready consisted of Biana doing everybody's hair, Linh doing the make up, and Sophie choosing the jewelry.

Linh's hair was in a very complicated braided bun that looked really pretty with her black and silver hair. Biana's hair was half up half down with curls outlining her face. Sophie went with the straight hair look and Biana parted Sophie's hair to the side to add to the look.

Once the three girls were ready they discussed their dates.

"Linh, who are you going with?", Biana asked.

"Oh, um Marella." Linh said.

"You guys are perfect for each other! Biana who are you going with?" Sophie asked.

"Oh, I am going with Tam." Biana stated.

"You are going with my brother?" Linh asked.

"Yeah." Biana says.

"If he hurts you let me know and him and I will have a long chat." said Linh with a dark look in her eyes that Sophie had never seen before.

"And Sophie is going with Keefe!" Biana exclaimed, changing the subject.

Linh looked at Sophie with a smirk, and Sophie's face turned as red as her dress. The two other girls laughed.

"Welp, I'm glad that one of you guys finally got the courage to ask the other person." Linh said.

"Keefe asked me, and I am glad he did." Sophie replied.

She was very exited for that night, and Keefe was to.

Okay... So that is the end of this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it!

Also if you would not mind it would be super helpful if you could comment on this saying what I should write next (Once I am done with this story). I am open to lots of fandoms (my favs are PJO,HP,TPN,and MHA) so if you have any story recommendations please comment them! And as always I hope you have a great day or night. :)

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