Loopy Lady

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Lucy's POV

"Levy just get in the shower with Juvia." I pinched the bridge of my nose. Levy has been fighting us on everything, getting in the shower, eating healthy foods, combing her hair, changing her clothes. This is becoming a nightmare. I was a bit envious of the guys because they were probably having a blast while we're stuck babysitting a very pregnant woman.

"Levy, please. Once this is done we can go to sleep." Erza stood next to me with her arms crossing her body, an annoyed looked settling on her face.

"Just come with Juvia and we can talk trash about how Gajeel got Levy pregnant." Juvia pulled on the arm of a pouting Levy and practically drug her into the bathroom. The whole way Levy spit profanities and cursed Gajeel for putting her in this situation.

Erza and I let out a sigh of relief once the bathroom door closed and the sound of water could be heard. I plopped myself down on the couch and threw my head back, "Damn, I'm tired."

"You shouldn't be working as hard as you are." Erza sat down next to me more composed and put together than me. I lifted my head a little and gave her an offended look, "Excuse me?"

"No, no. I didn't mean it as a jab at you and your profession of choice... I'm just saying that you're in your 20's and you work like you have grey hair."

"Well, I suppose you're right. Overworking is a large downfall of mine, but it can't be helped. I like helping people and changing lives-"

"But in a Mafia?"

"I'm helping Igneel figure out how all of the pieces fit together, aren't I?"

"You don't fancy Igneel. I see it in how you interact around him, and how to stiffen up whenever he's mentioned, you just did it."

"Always seeing right through people, I see."

"It's not like you were doing a very good job at hiding it." I laughed hoarsely at Erza's quip at me. She and I haven't had a conversation like this in a long time. Erza shifted back into the couch more, "Besides, you think Jellal doesn't tell me things. How do you think I knew about the whole Lisanna scheme before anyone else?" I sat up with a mischievous smile on my face,

"That little asshole." Erza laughed,

"He told me that whenever you had to call Igneel, you'd curse under your breath until he answered." She giggled a little and kicked her feet at my displeasure. I laughed a little and raked my hair through my hair, "I love Natsu, but his father is a pain in my ass. I know things I wish I didn't."

"Oh?" Her giggles stopped when something in my words peeked her intrest. I side-eyed the redhead,

"Can't say anything about it. Zeref's wishes." I put my hands up in surrender.

"Honorable." I hummed in response and let my eyes close. Before I knew it, the dark world of sleep took over.

Gajeel's POV

"Any of our girlfriends would have our heads if we did that." Gray reasoned with Natsu while the lot of us tried to figure out what to do. I texted the guys and said I needed a break from the Short Stack and they were all way too excited to drag me to fucking china and back. Natsu's dumbass idea was to go to a strip club, and as much as that sounds like fun Levy would rip out my liver and fed it to Lily so it's a hard no for me, "Yeah, Pyro, none of us want our dicks sawed off." I waved my hand in front of my face.

"What about the shooting range? We can make bets." Jellal sat behind us all on the cobblestone tile of the pool deck in Natsu's House. Natsu shot up from his defeated position and pointed an excited finger at Jellal,

"That! We're doing that!!" Gray and I seemed to nod in agreement. Natsu started jumping around happily while shouting out loudly. Gray and Jellal talked with each other while I slouched behind. Gray hit Natsu's back when he suddenly came to a stop.

letting the glass door fall to a close behind Zeref stood. He held himself with the stature of a fearful child, "Um, may I come with you guys?" Everyone seemed to hold their breath before Natsu shoved his hands into his pockets,

"Bolts for Brains, this is your call. This is your guy time." Damn Bastard putting the pressure on me...

I made a 'tch' sound and clicked my tongue, "Call Bunny Girl and ask. I don't want anything bad happening to your brother because of me, don't need that shit on my head." Jellal let out an assumed huff while I glared daggers at him. Natsu called Lucy and stood quietly waiting for her to answer.

"Hey, Natsu. What's up?" Her normal cheery voice rang through the phone speaker.

"Hi, I have a question?"

"Hm, can it wait? Levy's trying to rip Juvia's hair off for looking too similar to her's." I choked up and laugh and kept watching.

"Not really, Zeref wanted to know if he could to the shooting range with us, and we wanted to check with you."

"...Can he hear me?" Oh shit...


"Take me off speaker."

"As you wish m'lady."

Natsu's POV

I took Lucy off the speakerphone and kept a content smile on my face had Zeref stood in front of me. "Go ahead, Luce."

"Natsu, I know you want Zeref to go back to the life he had before, but that just isn't the case right now. He can't be anywhere near a weapon rage. If you want to include him then maybe watch a movie and chill in the movie room." Lucy was right. I couldn't deny it. I let out a huff and turned around to look at Gajeel. His monotone face and crossed arms remaining even though my face was sour. I hummed in response to Lucy and waited for her to continue, "I just- I can't let him do something that stimulating."

"I understand, Luce. We'll figure it out. Take care of Levy, Gajeel's pissing himself worried." I saw Gajeel roll his eyes but we all knew he was worried.

Hi.Hey.Hello. Sooooooo... I wrote the rest of the chapter last night and was going to upload it once I finished editing and then half of it said, "nah imma head out" so here's a shorter one today! SEE YAA!!! NEXT TIME!!!

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