Winter Ball

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Lucy's POV

"Please, Lucy!" Wendy has been begging me to help her pick out a dress for the Winter Ball tomorrow. Her mom and I told her to pick whatever she wanted, but she really wanted my help for some reason. Mavis was with us too but was very quiet, which, to my understanding, isn't normal. By the looks on her face, I assume it's Zeref. I was sitting next to Mavis while Wendy was pulling my arm. I told Wendy I'd join her in a minute, then I turned to Mavis, "He's in good hands. I promise you that."

"Mhm... Yes. I know. Go, help Wendy, now." She smiled weakly. I stayed silent for a moment before getting up and going to find Wendy.

I found her near I bunch of pink dresses. I started looking through the bags fo dresses and picked a couple out for her. She happily accepted them and skipped into the dressing room. While waiting for her to choose I got a text from Natsu.

"Hey, Beautiful~~"

"=v= Hi..."

"How long does it take for you girls to pick one dress? I want to be able to keep an eye on you?"

"I overwork myself once and suddenly I'm a child T_T"

"Just tell me when you're coming home... I may or may not want a hug..." I rolled my eyes while smiling uncontrollably.

"I don't live with you permanently, and I'll think about it ;) Also, I have no idea, Wendy is the only one left."

"Ugh, only Wendy would take an entire year..."

"This is her first time ever going to the Winter Ball, so give her some slack. Your favorite color is red, right?"

"Yes, and I guess you're right."

"Ok! <3" I instantly regretted sending that heart, so I put my phone in my pocket and forced myself not to look at it no matter how many times it buzzed.

Wendy burst through the curtain in a pink dress of my choice, "This one!" Mavis had walked into the hallway to see the dress and smiled along with me. Grandeeney walked into and started squealing at how cute her dress was. Mavis and I sweatdropped while the mother and daughter fangirling.

My phone kept buzzing off the hook, "Uh... Lucy? Your phone is going off a lot..." I nodded quickly while getting in my car. Mavis was driving with me while Grandeeney and Wendy drove together. When I turned the car on my phone connected to the Bluetooth and Mavis saw who was calling. She scoffed and told me to be quiet. She clicked the answer button, "Natsu. It's Mavis. Lucy is currently busy. We'll be home shortly so stop being a worry wort!" Then she ended the call. I had to laugh because Natsu didn't even get a millisecond to talk and I found it hilarious. I guess I should give him that hug he wanted...

"Is he always like that with you? Clingy boyfriends..."

"Natsu's not my boyfriend..."

"He sure acts like he is."

"Mavis, he's just worried."

"Exactly why I told him to stop being a worry wort!" She crosses her arms and pouted like a child. I stifled my laugh and we drove back to the mansion without another word. When I pulled in Natsu was waiting. I could Mavis was going to say something, but told her that's it's nice to be worried about sometimes. We pulled our dresses out of my trunk and walked inside. I nudged Natsu to follow on my way in. I heard the other girls snicker as Natsu and I walked in together.

There was a solid white sheet over the dress, so Natsu had no idea what it was, "Can I see it?" He poked his head into the closet as I was hanging it up. I glanced behind me for a moment only to shake my head no. I heard him huff and sit on the bed.

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