A Fight

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Lucy's POV

Gajeel had returned later into the night and offered to drive me home. I declined and drove home myself. It was quiet, which was nice, but an eerie feeling kept creeping up. I brushed it aside and chalked it up to being my anxiety coming to pay me a visit. My body felt tired but restless at the same time. I knew I needed to take a break, I knew I needed to breathe, but I couldn't. I didn't have time. The longer Sabertooth sits in our cells the more they'll cross our path. It was obvious they wanted to ambush and make a great escape while killing off most of Fairytail on the way, but I needed more information before I handed Lissana and my father over to Natsu and Erza. I was praying Natsu got the voice recording from Mira, so I could quickly listen and do a rough analysis before examining more later.

I walked through the garage door of the mansion, my heels clicking lazily behind me. "Oh, Lucy! You're home! How was your day?" Grandeneey seemed chipper today. I gave her a small smile and gave a slight laugh,

"It was long. Yours?"

"It was good... I love those heels!"

"Aw, thank you. I've been wearing them for three chapters, I should probably change." Grandeneey giggled and covered her mouth with her hand. She nodded me off to go change and Natsu actually came out of nowhere, "AH!" I squealed and jumped. Natsu chuckled and stomped his feet on the ground while laughing like a child.

"Jeez, Luce! You're such a pansy!" He reached for my hands and kept laughing. I let out a whine,

"I have my moments... Oh! Do you have the recording?" I bounced in my heels a little.

"Yeah! It's in my office, so I'll give it to you in the morning." Natsu smiled brightly before letting go of my hands and walking off. I followed behind him but separated from him when we passed the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen to see Zeref sitting at the countertop by himself. He looked to be in deep thought and jumped a little when he heard me open the fridge. His eyes followed me with extreme caution. I was curious as to how they guys got along with Zeref. He was a lot more fragile than he used to be, not that I knew him before the Pysch Ward, but he was definitely a different person.

"Did I scare you?" I asked, leaning against the countertop with a chilled bottle of water resting in my hands. He shook his head 'no' and proceeded to make gestures to what he wanted to say. It was something he started to do when his SPD was too strong for him. At first, I allowed him to do it, but the more I've worked with him I've noticed it's become a safety net. I shook my head 'no' and gave a gesture for him to speak. He gulped deeply and looked at his shaking hands, He wants to hurt someone, something. But what? I asked myself.

Natsu's POV

I thought Lucy was following me to my room, but when I turned she was gone. My first thought was that she went to get the recording from my office, but when I checked the lavish room there was no one. I started walking around the house quietly looking for Lucy. I could feel the anxiety start to build when I couldn't hear her voice or her heels clicking on the marble floors. I was passing the kitchen in a hurry when Mavis grabbed my arm and forced my head to turn in the direction of the countertop. Zeref and Lucy were on opposite sides of the table. Lucy was smiling gently, a tired look in her eye, while Zeref sat there staring at his hands, "What the hell is going on?" I whispered to Mavis.

"I was talking with Zeref earlier and he got all shaky and started mumbling to himself. He didn't give me any warning before he left the room and asked to not be followed. So, I followed him here. Lucy came in and said one thing before he started moving his hands and using his facials to tell her something. Then he just started staring at his hands..." I could only nod in understanding as Mavis and I watched Lucy and Zeref interact.

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