Work Visit

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Warning this chapter touches on subjects including Personality Disorders, Mood Disorders, Mental Illness, and Medical Conditions. I ask you to please be kind and not make rude comments about the characters with these disorders. Please be advised that I do not care for indecency towards people with mental disorders, and I will not hesitate to call you out and report you. Enjoy the chapter.

Lucy's POV

It's been 2 weeks since Natsu and I had our encounter at the bar. It was the first time in a while I couldn't read anyone that well. He seemed to be a very understanding person but there was a fear when he looked at me. I don't understand why he would fear me in any way. I have never expressed violence towards anyone. Normally, something like that wouldn't bother me, but for some reason, it has me perplexed. I've been reading more into the mind in my free time, but to no avail I am empty-handed. I do have one theory though; there might be a lingering abuse from his parents or abuse from relationships. He may not have been feeling it at that present moment but it could still be seen by the most trained eye. Anyway, I have no time to focus on that. I have psychopaths who need help!

I have two patients right now, and they take up a lot of my time. The first one is Lori Rush she has a DID or Dissociative Identity Disorder. She claims to have one other person living inside of her. For DID that's very normal. Often time she'll forget who I am or where she is. The 'other being inside her' is more aggressive and physical, while the 'normal' Lori is frantic and scared of everything. Lori is one of the few the Psych Ward keeps under close watch because we never know when she might lash out. She's been at the Psych Ward for about and year and then they brought me on to help her, and other of course, but she has been the toughest. It's true to be expected with DID because any wrong move could trigger her to go into a complete breakdown. I have been able to understand her past a bit better. From Lori's stories, there seemed to be childhood abuse and active imagination. So in common theory, she used her extremely active imagination to hide from the rest of the world. I understand how she feels to a very personal level. I guess some are more fortunate than others.

I am also working with a male patient named Adian Hardy, he has STPD or Schizotypal Personality Disorder. He came in right after I met Levy's friends, and I've been spending a lot of time with him. People with STPD are very easy to identify but are some of the hardest to treat. STPD is normally accompanied by Derealization (Thought Disorder), Psychosis (Abnormal Understanding of Morals), Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Dysthymia (Mood Disorder), and various others. Adian carries all these traits but is not hostile. Normally, he'll interrupt me, talk to himself, make up words, and religion in his head. He fidgets around and stutters a lot. It's not incurable, but it is very hard to treat so the past month has been touch and go. I've looked into his family records and all the evidence as to why he has STPD is there. His parents separated when he was very young, and faced neglect on both sides.

I just finished my morning session with Lori and now I'm heading to my office to eat my lunch and read over some of my notes then I spend the rest of my work with Adian. Depending on whether he wants to talk to me or not. I make it a point not to force sessions on my patients. To them, it feels like they have no space or room to breathe. If Adain doesn't want to talk to them I simply monitor his movements and actions. While I was looking over the progress Lori has made my intercom went off,

"Miss Heartfilia?"

"Yes ma'am?" I responded to the very old rough voice that belonged to the lady at the front desk.

"There is a Mr. Dragneel that wishes to speak with you. May he enter?" I was taken aback for a moment the responded.

"Could you give me a moment?"

"Yes ma'am, stay on the line."

I checked the clock, it read 12:39 pm. I had to begin my session at 1:30 pm, so I had just under an hour.

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