Voice Recording

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Lucy's POV

Wendy and I were in my car on our way to the hospital. Levy called me completely panicked and it took some time to talk her down. Not wanting to be around Natsu, I called Grandeeney after we had left so he'd go with them or on his own. I talked to Gajeel a little bit to gauge the situation. He told me that Juvia and Gray already knew and Jellal was trying to get through to Erza who was at Fairytail. The whole way there Wendy was practically bursting with happiness. I know she loves medicine and especially babies. She always asked me medical questions, but sometimes I couldn't answer them. Natsu had called me on the way there, I didn't answer.

What he said hurt. I get called a lot of things by my patients, but when it was someone you loved it hurts tenfold. The sentence was so short, but it replayed in my head over and over. I could still hear the envy and disgust dripping like venom from his mouth. I didn't want to cry about it because I knew I'd only make myself worse. It also doesn't help that I feel like I haven't slept in days. I desperately needed coffee so I stopped at Starbucks, not caring whether Wendy wanted to or not. I asked if she wanted anything and she looked up from her phone in slight confusion, processing where we were. After her brain took everything in she said Fuji Water. I smiled and got myself an Iced Vanilla Latte and Wendy's Fuji Water. She sat in my passenger seat extremely content with her phone and the water.

It didn't take long before we got there. I flashed my medical badge and they, ever-surprising, let me back. Juvia and Gray had arrived, so Wendy stayed with them. I followed a nurse back to where they had put Levy. Gajeel was trying his best to calm her down, but her nerves had already gotten the best of her. "Hey, Levy." I kept my voice calm and sweet giving her an endearing smile. She looked up at me wide-eyed. I internally gasped at how bad she looked. I was with her hours before and she looked bad but not as white and calmy. I sat down next to Gajeel and grabbed the hand that Gajeel wasn't already holding. "Have they given her water or tried to cool her down, her temperature is definitely too high."

"Nurse's said she can't have anything 'til after the rug rat is out. Put a cool rag on her head for 10 minutes, seemed to work a little bit." I nodded and flipped Levy's hand so her palm faced the ceiling. I pressed my index and middle finger on the pressure point in her wrist to count her pulse. Without having to count I knew her blood pressure was too high. I got up quietly and gently put Levy's hand down before leaving the room. I walked to the Nurse's station and got the attention of one nurse. To be honest, I was beyond pissed they didn't have her on constant motoring, I kept having to remind myself that this wasn't a Psych Ward. "Hi, can I get a cool rag for McGarden?" I gave her a fake smile. She smiled, nodding, and went to get the cloth. I walked back to Levy and Gajeel.

"Ok. They're going to bring something to help bring your temp down." Levy nodded weakly. She was sitting on the edge of the hospital bed with her feet resting on Gajeel's legs. He held her hand lightly, stroking his thumb across her hand to try and soothe her. He didn't talk much in fear of making things worse. I sat on the bed next to her and combed my fingers through her sticky, hot hair. My heart broke for her. I'm sure this is the most pain she'd ever in her life, physically and mentally. Her head fell in the crook of my neck letting me feel how bad she was shaking. The nurse came back in with the cloth and started taking her vitals again. I put the cool rag on her forehead and held it there for her. While she was getting a pulse check a doctor walked in and went straight to Gajeel. He whispered something that made Gajeel's eyes go wide for a moment before they softened into something sad, but sort of relieved. He then pointed to me and then to his ear. The doctor seemed to understand the gesture and walked over to me.

"A friend of Ms. McGarden?" I nodded in response, "Well, she's going to have to have a C-Section. We're not sure if her body would be able to handle the physical stress of labor, it's a chance we don't want to take." I nodded, turning my head towards Gajeel. I sighed slowly, my heart sinking for her more. This was going to hurt like a motherfucker. The doctor moved away from me and stepped moe towards the wall. I picked up Levy's head. Her eyes were glossy and confused. I was about to say something when Gajeel had to open his big fucking mouth. "Am I allowed in there with her?"

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