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" BLAISE WAKE THE HELL UP!" I said loudly while jumping up and down on Blaise's bed. His my bestfriend since the first time I got here. We got pretty close ever since.

"MAL! I'm up, I'm up!" Blaise said while groaning. I pulled his sheets and pulled up his arms."We're gonna be late dipshit." Blaise rolled his eyes at me and got up. "Just brush your smelly mouth and let's go!" Blaise did a motion with his hands wanting me to wait downstairs. I went downstairs and wait for him. Everyone was getting ready and taking pictures and such.Blaise finally came down after 15 minutes. " What the hell Blaise?" I said while crossing my arms. "I lost my sock, I'm sorry. Here look." He said while pulling his pants showing him wearing his shoe without a sock on his left foot. I rolled my eyes and pulled him out the common room and to where everybody were gathering.

"Alright, the house prefect, collect the permission slip and hand it to me please." Mrs Mcgonagall said firmly. After our house prefect collects our slip, we went to hogsmeade, before that I pulled Blaise aside to wait for my other bestfriend, Aria Seren Flynn. " What now?" "We're waiting for your crush, dummy" Blaise nodded and i swaer i could see him blushing but he  played it off with kicking some snow.  When Aria arrived we three went together.

Hogsmeade were packed with students and adults. First as traditon we play rock paper, drink, whoever gets drink needs to pay for our butterbeers. As always Blaise needs to pay. " AHA! Back at it again! Zabini lose." I cheer. Blaise mock me and he earn himself a hitting. We went to buy a lot of candy and junks then we went to the Weasley's prank shop. I liked it there, they are very nice and very very tall. 

"Hey Fred! Got anything for me?" I ask while raising an eyebrow.

"Hey there beautiful, of course i do sweetheart. This candy will make people fart non stop, make sure to give it to snape or umbrigde." Fred said while winking. I wink back paided him and left. 

"Blaise look i got a fart candy." I said while showing him the 5 piece candy. His eyes widen.

"Holy shit that's good let's prank that old man with his old stuffy cat." I nodded and we went to find Aria talking to a boy. Blaise looked sad because Blaise really liked Aria. I notice he was sad and called out to Aria a motioning her to go. Aria nodded, wave the guy goodbye and came to us. Blaise kept his head down. " Who's that?" Aria was blushing, Blaise were hurting. I hit her softly. "Aria!" " Omg relax it's Dean." I heard Blaise scoffed. I rolled my eyes and we walk back. It was a totally awkward silent. I walk in the middle of them. Aria knew Blaise liked her but I know Slytherin are known as cruel, brutal, evil , bullies and such but actually we were just raise different and we were missunderstood. Aria were just being cautions, but she didn't have to hurt Blaise like that. I tried to remain calm until we arrived back at Hogwarts.

We arrived after a while. "Blaise could you take these and wait for me at my dorm?" Blaise nodded and i drag Aria to the girl's bathroom. 

"Aria what the fuck!" 

"What now Mal." I act like i was offended.

"Wh- What now? Aria what the hell were you doing with Dean bloody Thomas?" Aria rolled her eyes and walk away from me to the sink. " You damn knew Blaise and I were searching for you huh? You fucking knew Blaise had feelings for you yet you did him dirty Aria!" I said as i pulled her to face me. " You don't deserve to be in Hufflepuff, the outside of you may look like a Hufflepuff but we both knew deep down you're a fucking Slytherin." I sneered and walk away from her. 

I was angry at her, how dare she play Blaise liked that, she knew Blaise liked her, Blaise would even jump off the fucking astronomy tower if Aria ask him too.

I got back at the common room and went straight to my dorm and saw Blaise sitting on my bed with my blanket wraping him while he eats a chocolate frog. "Hey, you okey?" I ask as i walk closer. I saw tears in his eyes. I walk over and hug him. "Awe Blaise, it's okey just let it out okey? I'll be here alright?" I could feel him nod his head. I hug him even tighter and we just stayed in that position until he finally let go.

"Thank you Mal." Blaise said softly. I just rubbed the back of his back and he let go of me and just wrap my blanket over him more tightly. Then we heard a knock. The person came in, it was Draco.

"Bl- Blaise could I talk to you for a moment?" Blaise nod and went out. I stayed and clear out the chocolate wrappings. Not long after that Blaise came back with a teal small box with a white ribbon.

"Whats that?" I ask while sitting on my bed. "Draco ask me to give it to you." I narrowed my eyes on that box. Draco hasn't even talk that much to me and now he wants to suddenly give me presents? "Here open it." I took it and open it slowly. I took out what's inside, it was a chocolate frog. I looked at Blaise confused, He is more confused then I am. "He put a chocolate frog in a box? Just for me?" I ask Blaise. "Maybe he has a fever?" Blaise said joking-ly. We both laugh it off and we pretend we doing a haul of our junk and we had alot of fun honestly hanging out together.

The other girl. // Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now