Jealous much?

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Mal and the others walk in the great hall for breakfast in their new clothes and all. Heads turn to see them walk in, students were whispering and gasping. The professors rolled their eyes at them. "Look everyone is looking at us." I said softly to them. "More like they are looking at you." Ginny said while shoving my shoulder. Then Pansy elbowed me and signalling with her eyes towards the slyhterin table and mouthed. 'Astoria.' I looked over at her, she look so irritated, puffing out her chest trying to hide her angry face. She look like she could jump me in that state. Pansy and I smile widely. Then they walk to their table and I and Pansy walk to ours.

"Nice outfit Mal!" Blaise said while offering me a sit. I smile "Thank you. So how's your fever?" I said as I reach out to touch his forehead. "Yeah is fine now. Right?" He ask while raising an eyebrow. I nodded. "You look good too Pansy." Blaise said while giving her a blueberry cheese tart. Pansy blush. "Thank you Zabini." She said softly. While we're all eating and talking I keep on feeling that someone is looking at me. I was right. I looked over and I locked eyes with Draco, he seems restless. Astoria notice that Draco was looking at me and said something at him that made him lower his head and gave me a glare, I just took my glass and did the cheers thing, she rolled her eyes and started talking with her friends.

After breakfast I had defense in the dark arts with Snape, he is a subtitiute of course. We had a friendly match of duel. I vs Blaise, I almost lost but I get back up and flew Blaise through the class. "Shit Blaise!" I said as I ran to Blaise. He was coughing due to the hard hit against the stone wall. "Damn...Mal.. I ca- can't...omg hold up." He said as he tried to regain back strength and his breathing. I laugh. "Stop talking and take a deep breath dimbo." He nodded. I help him up and sit him on a chair and gave him a bottle of water. As I was about to join Blaise, Snape called.


"Yes sir?" I said as I walk towards him.

"I want you to go another round, but this time I'll choose for you."

"What?" I ask in surprise. I'm tired as fuck and this old man wants me to go again?

"What. Did. you say?" Snape ask as he tilt his head.

"Oh nothing sir, of course I could go another round." I said as I adjust my posture.

"That is what I thought. Malfoy. Come forward." As I heard Snape said that I want to just dissapear.

"Sir I don't want to duel with her." Draco said in a cold voice. 

"Do you think I want to duel with you?" I said as I look him up and down. 

As Snape was about to say something a feminine voice interrupt him. "I can duel for Draco." I turn to see Astoria walking forwards. Of course she wants to take in Draco's place. Snape was silent for a second.

"Malfoy is it okay for Miss Greengrass to take in your place?" Snape ask Draco, he was hesitate on his answer though.

"Scared Malfoy? That I might hurt your precious here?" I ask in a very sassy way, Draco glared at me which made me smirk. " Yes sir it's fine for Astoria to take in my place." Draco said firmly. Snape nod. Then we began. Astoria was trying so hard on hurting me, I just used a basic shield spell to block out her spells that made the spells bounce back to her. I strike only when I see a slight tiredness in her, when I saw she was getting tired I strike back with pulling her wand out of her hand and float her up in the air. Then because I'm not that bad of a person I put her down slowly and softly. I looked over at Draco who had his arms cross and he rolled his eyes at me. I grin. Astoria's face were furious. I bowed at her, she scoffed at me and ran to Draco and hugged him. I looked away though because I know that she's just trying to hurt my feelings.

After that I said bye to Blaise because I wanted to see Aria and ask if she wanted to accompany me to study. But I was slam into the cold stone wall by non other then Astoria Greengrass. Her face was a soft pink-ish color, she was obviously furious. "What the hell did you do that for?" Astoria ask while gritting his teeth. I played dumb. "Did what?" She rolled her eyes in frustration. "You could've just slam me down like you did to Blaise." I brush of some of the dirt on my skirt and t shirt. "Slam you? Honey if I wanted to hurt you I could've done worst then what I did to Blaise." I said while smiling. Her face looked so offended though. I was about to walk away when she grab my hand.

"I know what you're trying to do Ryker." She said in a harsh tone. "Omg has my plan ruin?" I ask sarcastically while putting a hand on my mouth. Astoria whip out her wand and cast a spell but the spell was block. I turn to see Draco.

"What the hell is going on here?" Draco looked at the two of us. One was completely furious and the other was smirking. "Oh your little precious here is jealous." I said while pointing to Astoria.

"AM NOT!" Astoria said while stomping her foot. I rolled my eyes at her. "Then why so press princess?" I ask. She wanted to come closer but Draco stopped her. "Enough already, both of you." Draco said in a stern way. "Can you just go. Please." Draco said while letting out a loud sign.

As I walk away I managed to just press a teeny weeny button. " Don't be so jealous darling, I'm scared that your little boyfriend here would come back crawling to me." As I touch Draco's chin, he didn't pull away though. Then I walk away smirking, hearing Astoria having a meltdown about what I said and did. 

I walk to the Hufflepuff's common room and waited for Aria to come out so she could help me study on muggle study's or whatever. "You're happier then ever, did you and Draco got back together or something?" Aria ask while hitting my shoulder with hers. I scoffed. "I maybe just press a teeny weeny button on Greengrass's little annoying flat ass." I said while walking a bit faster than Aria and twirling around. "What the hell did you do now Malloria Ryker?" She said with a very 'what did you do' face. I laugh. "What?" I ask while pulling her hand and guiding her to the library. "C'mon Aria I'll tell you bout it." After we find the perfect spot to study I tell her bout it.

Aria as I expected burst out laughing so loud that I have to put a silent spell around her. "OMG quiet down dumb bitch!" I said in a stern voice while looking around. When she finally shut the hell up. "Omg that bitch got some nerves until her petty boyfriend comes in and saves her flat ass." Then we giggle our way and head out the library.

The other girl. // Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now