What's your status?

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The next morning I went to charms alone because Blaise was vomiting so bad from drinking to much firewisky. Went to hufflepuff's common room to take Blaise's herb soup that Aria made, pass it to a slytherin junior and ask them to past it to Blaise. 

Charms were boring as usual. But there's something wrong though, Astoria kept on staring at me. I'm like girl I know you're jealous that I can still pull your boyfriend. I thought to myself. Finally Charms finish around 2.30. I was excited to go to the great hall to take some turkey and other things and eat with Blaise, but I got company.

"Malloria!" I turn to see Astoria walking up to me.

"Yeah? Can I help you?" I ask politly.

I was damn polite but this bitch was not she has the audacity to drag me to a empty hall. I push her off angrily.

"Dude what the fuck!"

"You know why!" My eyes widen. What does this bitch want.

"The hell you talking bout?" I ask while trying to remain calm. She in the other hand, her face were red, she was angry about something.

"Why did you smell Draco and I didn't?"


"During Amortentia! You clearly smell him and he clearly smell you!"

"What's your proof that he smell me?"

" Your father Ryker. The snaker. Spends an awfully  long time with dragons, and dealing with dragon roots. You're the only one that can smell like it because, it is hard to get close with dragon root in the wild, ciggarates? Yeah that is so you. Lastly lavender, your perfume is fucking lavender!"

This girl is something huh? I was surprised by her but not surprised on why Draco still smelled me though.

"Astoria just because I could get close to dragon roots, doesn't mean that he smelt me, he could smell other students you know?" I said as I tried to get pass her but she block the way.

"Astoria move. I need to get some food for Blaise he's sick." I said with a stern voice.

"No. You why I'm so damn upset? I didn't smell anything."

"That's impossible."

"Yeah well its not."

"Well I guess I'm sorry, I need to get to Blaise now."

She scoffed. " And what fuck him?" This bitch is really getting under my skin.

"The hell did you say?" I said while turning and looking at her straight in the eyes.

"You heard me, maybe just maybe if you can't fuck Draco anymore you might as well fuck his best friend right?"

I took a deep breath and tried to remain calm.

"Or is it the daddy issues? That's why you need to feel love by my boyfriend? Your ex that broke up with you and chose me?" She said full with sass.

"That's it!" I almost uppercut that bitch but someone pulled me away. It was George, he put me up on his shoulder.

"What the hell put me down!" I say as I try to get down.

"No I won't calm down first." He said with a soft tone. While Fred tried to talk to Astoria but that bitch ran away crying! I didn't even touch her yet.

"Did I do something to her?" Fred ask while scratching his head.


The other girl. // Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now