Dragon hunting.

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The next couple of days me and Draco were getting pretty close just like we used to. Draco help me with my homework about the chami dragon and shit. "Hey Draco we've been walking round here for half an hour now! I'm tired!" As I sat down on a rock, throwing bags on the ground. He look at me with a smile. "Mal c'mon I know you're tired, so am I but we need to keep searching if we want to find them. They are called chami dragons for a reason. They like to hide themself so we need to work hard and find them." Draco said while walking towards me and pulling me up so that we could carry on. I groan as we walk through the forbidden forest near school where people said the last 2 eggs, I hope that after all this time it didn't hatch because if it did that is another problem.

"Hey Malfoy can we take a break and sit down and eat or drink or go pee?" I ask while slowly stopping. He turn around face was flush red. "Yea.. what did you bring?" I reach in to my bag and gave him a chicken sandwich and some ginger ael. "Here." "Thanks, you know that's the first time you called me Malfoy." I was searching for my grilled cheese and just nod. We finish our food and carry on. But Draco stopped me in my track. 

"Yo what the he-." Draco cupped my mouth and when I looked at the area where he pointed with his eyes, bloodly hell. We saw not two but a dozen of them sleeping peacefully. They were beautiful, such vibrant colours! some had spikes on their tail and some don't. They even snore melodys! How cool is that! With the sun generously glows on them they kinda sparkle. Draco slowly let go of me and guide me to a save place where we can talk. 

"Okey now we can talk, but talk slowly because their hearing is very heighten alright?" Draco said softly. I nod. Draco put out some paper and pen and paint. "What are you doing?" I ask him slowly yet firmly. He looked at me and flick my forehead with his fingers. "Ow!" I said softly but kinda loud and he earn himself a flick also. "Hey stop it. Im trying to get you full marks stupid." He said while rolling his eyes and sitting on his jacket and taking notes.  I just sat beside him and admire the beautiful creature infront of ourself that is suppose to be extict a million years ago.

After I help him taking notes he was drawing the dragons. Finally we're done and as we're about to walk away from there to leave them. We felt a warm breeze coming from behind us and I saw a big shadow figure forming behind us. I looked at Draco, he held my hand and mouthed ' one..two..three!' And off we ran. Draco was holding on so tight that it hurt but I would rather be hurt by Draco then a dozen of dragons where we thought should be extict.  We practically ran for our lives when suddenly we trip on something and got caught in a net. I was freaking my ass off while Draco was trying every spell to try and free us. "Draco stop! If we got away look down there! We still need to get away from them!" Draco was so frustrated that he tried the crucio spell but nothing seems to budge. When suddenly the dragons began to walk backwards slowly and bowing? Then we saw a tall figure walking full of pride towards the net while slowly clapping their hand. "Well well well look what we have here." The man said happily. The man was tall very tall. Taller then maybe Hagrid? With one metal arm and the other full with tattoos. He was wearing a fur coat. A wolf's maybe with a furry belt and some cargo pants.

"Lucius Malfoy's son! I caught Lucius's son! Oh my god Im so happy." The man said while clapping and jumping like a 5 year old. I looked over at Draco, whose face were furious. Then the man made eye contact with me. "Oooooo that is one pretty thing." The man said whike looking at me form head to toe. Draco pulled me behind him and glared at him. "Looks like Draco here has a girlfriend. Well I'm being rude am I? I didn't introduce myself how rude, okey so my name is L-"  Draco suddenly snap.

"Shut up she doesn't  need to know you filthy name!" Draco said full of anger. "Oh don't be like that cuzzy." The man said while grinning. I whisper to Draco. "Cuzzy?" But Draco didnt say anything to me he just made some intense eye contact with the scary man. 

"So Draco's girlfriend, my name is Luca Edward." He said while bowing. I just nod. Draco was getting really annoyed by this Luca guy. "So aren't you goin to let us go?" Draco ask him while gritting his teeth. Luca smirk and wave his hand in the air and the rope for the net snapped, and we fell. 

"Damn it Luca!" Draco said while trying to get up slowly and helping me. "Whoopies, sorry my bad." Luca said in such a sarcastic tone. "Oh and cuzzy don't even try to think and run because my dragons here will surely rip you to bits."  As one of his dragons let out a loud puff sound. I hold in to Draco's arm as tight as possible.

We then walk along the long road, some times I did see some bones, did not want to know if its animal bones or even human bones. We finally arrived at Luca's house. It was in the middle of the jungle, surrounded by trees and vines. His house is a bit similar to Draco's just Luca's house colour was brown and woody, meanwhile Draco is much more modern and expensive. 

"Wait here, mama and papa is surely eager to meet you both!" Luca said while clasping his hands and ran towards his enormous double doors. He surely has the attitude of a 6 year old. "Draco what the hell? I didn't know you have a cousin." I ask Draco who seems very very irritated. "I just hate him alright he used to hit me for fun and I hate it." Draco said while holding his arm.  Maybe thats where he used to hit him. Not long after that the huge double door open and we saw to tall male and female. The male was wearing a bear as his coat and the female was wearing a grey wolf as hers. Both had some kind of fang hanging around their neck as necklaces.

"So here is the groom! This must be Astoria!" The women said while walking towards Draco wanting to give him a hug. I look at Draco whose face is full with guilt. Groom huh? His getting married to Astoria? And he has the fucking nerve to ask if we could be a thing again? 

The other girl. // Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now