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I woke up early that morning on Monday because I have my favourite class. Herbology! As usual I went to Blaise's to wake his lazy ass up. 

"Blaise. Wake.The .Fuck up we have Herbology you fat bimbo!" Blaise groan while pulling back his blanket.

"Hey! No stop c'mon I don't wanna be late for Sprout's class." I said while picking out his books and robe.

"Alright, alright I'm up stop nagging ugh." Blaise said while walking to his bathroom. We then went to Herbology together. As soon as I got there I went over to hug her. She's liked my second mother her at Hogwarts. I even called her mum! Well because she insisted.

"Goodmoring mum! What are we going to learn about today?" I said while hugging her.

"Ah Mally, goodmorning." She has her own nickname for me. It's Mally because she said it sounded nice. 

"Today we're going to learn about sleeping beans." 


So class finish around an hour liked that and before I go I hug her goodbye. As we were walking back, because we had free period I ran into Aria. 

"Hey Mal, could you spare me a minute?" I rolled my eyes at her, but Blaise push my shoulder. I let out a sign. "Blaise could you take these to my dorm." Blaise nod and went. "What?" I ask crossing my arm.

"I'm sorry alright but-" 

"What now Aria? You'hv made him very sad did you know that? " 

"I was just being careful." 

"Careful? Then maybe you need to be careful with me to because you know ALL slytherins are bad right?" I said while rolling eyes.

"Mal its not like that." 

"Like what Aria? You'hv said it yourself slytherins are bad people right?"

"Please just forgive me, and I want to see Blaise please?"

"And why may I ask you want to see him?" 

"I want to say that I'm sorry." For a minute I didn't want to bring her to the slytherins common room but we're friends since year 1.

"Alright fine."

We got there and I ask Aria to wait outside the dorm. When I went in Draco were in there with him.

"Hey oh I'm sorry. Am I interrupting?" Draco were leaning on Blaise's desk. Looking at me with his shirt unbutton a bit.

"No, no why?" 

"Aria, she's here to see you."

"Oh um yea ask her to come in, It's okey I told Draco already." I nod and open the door.

"Come in." As Aria walk in I saw Draco looked away in disgust.

Aria went to Blaise and I stood next to Draco.

"So what is it?" Blaise ask coldly.

"I- I'm sorry." 

Blaise still his cold self.

"Sorry what? Did you do something?" 

Aria took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't do that expecially infront of you." Blaise nod his head and something what Aria said made the three of us caught off guard.

"I like you too Blaise." Blaise looked shock, I and Draco looked at each other.

But Blaise tried to remain calm. "Like? If you LIKE me you wouldn't do what you did." 

"I know but-" "But what? You were trying to see if I would do something to Dean? Because that is what that mindset of you think right? As a slytherin if we see something we don't like or people we are jealous of we would go there and beat the hell out of them? Huh?" 

I was actually proud of Blaise to say that. 

"Blaise please I'm sorry. Yes iI used to think liked that but one of my bestfriend is in slytherin so i guess not all are that bad right?" Blaise let out a sign.

"I gave you all kind of hints Aria. I gave you everything. If you wanted me to even jump from the damn astronomy tower and fall to my fucking death. I would do it Aria . You why because I love you. I fucking love you Aria." 

Blaise said out of frustration. Aria then did the thing I wouldn't think she would. She kiss him. For a minute Blaise push her but then after a second Blaise pulled her back for another kiss.

Me and Draco quickly look down and said in sync, "Bro stop." Then we looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Blaise look at Aria. "So what now?" 

Aria was red as a tomato. "I don't know." She said softly. Blaise hug her.

"Ugh just get married already." Draco said. We all laugh and after a while Draco and went out leaving them.

"So where do you want to go?" I ask Draco, he look down then, "Astronomy tower?" 

"Yea sure." So we went there and chill a bit. Draco then whip out his wand and did a spell which then appear blueberry cheesecake with two glass of apple spark. 

"Woah you need to teach me that spell."  Draco smile and hand me a slice.

"You know you aren't that bad." I said while eating. 

"Well that's because I used to be mean to you, but now I'hv change." I rolled my eyes while smiling. He smirk and took a sip of his drink. "You know this is my favourite." I said while taking a sip of my drink. "Oh really? Then I'll be sure to put that in my list then." He said smiling.

So that was the first time I hang with him, just the two of us together. Draco isn't that bad, just missunderstood that's all. We spent the afternoon just talking and enjoy each others company.

The other girl. // Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now