It's time.

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It was graduation day. Pansy woke me up hella early, like at 630 in the morning early. 

"Mal wake the fuck up!!" Pansy said as she shake my bed. "Damn Pansy give me 5 more minutes." I said as I cover my head with my pillow. I heard her sigh and thought she would gave up and leave but no. This bitch won't leave me alone. She fucking jumped on my bed! 

"Wake up! We need to get ready for graduation!" Pansy said as she wiggle around on me. I groan in pain as she accidently hit my boob with her elbow. "Ugh Pan- Pansy!" "What!" She said while she laugh. I push her off my bed and got up. "Alright fine! I'm up! I'm up!" I said as I cover my face. Pansy was on the floor smiling. " I'm getting ready with you todayy." She said in a singing tone and pointing to my dresser. I looked over. "Holy shit Pansy did you bring your whole closet to my room?" I ask her as I saw three buckets full of stuff. Pansy got up and bring the buckets in front of me to show me what she brought. 

"This one has my heels and stuff, this pile has my bracelet, earrings, necklaces and shit, and this last one has my clothes!" She said in a happy tone. I smile at her. "You know you have change a lot. In a good way of course." I said I smile at her. She blush. "Okay now how bout you jump in the shower while I try to organized my stuff." Pansy said as she tie her hair in a pony tail. I nod and got up took my Hogwarts towel and went to the bathroom. 

I got out to see Pansy's stuff very organized. "How do you think?" Pansy said as she stood up and looked at me. "It's good Pansy." I smile as I walk over to my closet and brought out all of my stuff and put it on my bed. I looked at Pansy. "Hey Pansy? What are going to do after we graduate? "I ask her as I sit on the floor. Pansy sat across from me. "Well I think I want to experience living in the muggle world. Like going to college and university as a normal student and not a witch. I always watch their movies and it seems fun." Pansy said as she played with her hair and smiling. "What about you Mal?" Pansy ask me. I smile at her. "Me? I'm not sure yet." Pansy looked confused.

"Yet? Why not?" 

" I want to work or I don't know disappear for a while." I said as I gave a weak smile. 

"It's about Draco huh?" Pansy ask me and I nod. Pansy comes beside me and hug me from my sides. "It okay Mal I understand." She said softly. "Just make sure to be in contact with me alright?" She said while lightly pushes me. I smile and pushes her back. "Alright." I said with a smile. We then ate some strawberry bread that Pansy surprisingly bake in her dorm room.

"Damn Pansy you could be a baker!" I said with my mouth full of the fluffy soft strawberry bread. "Ah c'mon you're just saying that." She said while putting a strand of hair behind her ears. I shook my head while still stuffing my face with it. She just smile. After that we got ready for the graduation. I put on my green dress, put my hair in a claw bun that has a serpent detail, and did some natural makeup and a warm red lipstick, pair with my green heels and small sling bag and also a silver necklace. Pansy wore her hair in a half up half down and a very cute dark red dress with a pair of black heels, with some bracelet and a necklace. We went down and took some photos and went out to the great hall where we got out certificate and ate a lot and took some other photos said our goodbye to teachers and friends and the Weasley twins pulled one last prank. Full with fire works and all and some big huge dragon fire work that chase Umbridge.

After the graduation we went back to our dorm rooms and packed our bag and waited for our trains. I was already there, I was waiting with Blaise. Aria was late as usual.

"Where is she?" I ask while looking round. Blaise who was awfully calm. "Wait a minute." He said while looking at his watch. "..and..3..2..1" He said while pointing to his watch then a second later. "Omg I am so sorry for letting you guys wait I got caught up and help Aiden here." Aria showed up panting with Aiden, Blaise looked at me and smile. I smile back while raising my eyebrows. "So since everyone is here lets go we're already late." We walk in and sat in an empty seat. I sat besides Aiden, Aria and Blaise sat next to each other. We were talking and laughing until Aiden was getting really sleepy and kept on bumping onto the door. "Hey c'mere." I said softly and held his head so that he will lean on to my shoulder. As I lean back to him Draco and Astoria passed by. She open the door and held Draco from going away. "Oh my god baby look at this, she already found a replacement for you." Astoria said in excitement. I cleared my throat and sit up straight, Draco was glaring at Aiden who was fast asleep. "Go away Greengrass."Aria said while looking at her up and down. I was clenching my jaw trying not to cause a scene in the train. Then suddenly Aiden grab onto my arm and move closer. ' ugh this boy.' I said to myself. Astoria saw that and ask Draco to look. 

The other girl. // Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now