New partner?

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I woke up at 830 am and totally forgot that we got Snape's class today. I ran to the bathroom wash my face, brush my teeth change into some decent clothes and put on my robe and dash to Blaise's dorm to see if his awake and he was putting on his robe so we were late. We then dash to potions. We open the heavy doors and as expected all eyes were on us.

"Mr Zabini and Miss Ryker. Why were you. Late?" I and Blaise look at each other and looked back at Snape. "I'm sorry sir." We said in sync. Snape push aside his hair. "Did I ask you to. Apologise?" I swear to god if I were brave enough I'll shave this man's head bald. "I woke up late sir." "Me too sir." Said Blaise while elbowing me, telling me that I took his line. I of course elbowed him back. 

"Well do you want to stand for 1 hour straight?" We then quickly went to our seat. When Snape saw I sat next to Blaise, like I normally do he ask me to stand.

"Ryker stand." I was surprised. What did I do. "Change seats with Miss Parkinson." The hell? Parkinson? That means I need to sit with Draco.

"But sir, I-" Pansy's sentence were cut off when Snape gave her his deathly stare. She stomp abit before going next to me though. She has the audacity to push me. I scoffed and step on her shoes.

"Opps sorry princess." I said sarcastically while giving her a curtsy. Snape then cleared his throat which made me gather my things and went to my seat. I gave Blaise a confused look, 'like we have sat together since year 2 what the hell?' Blaise just gave the same facial expression. Snape then said something that made me really want to shave his hair off. 

"You'll be in your seats with. Your assign partners until the end of the year." 

"But sir you only change me and Blaise." Snape looked at me with his deathly stare I looked down because I didn't want to disrespect my teacher. But omg Draco? This is going to be a living hell. After 30 minutes in class snape ask us to make a poison antidote. Because I was with Blaise normally I thought Draco were half as stupid as Blaise but to my surprise, he is actually pretty smart to be honest.

"Ryker past me that green bottle." I was so distracted by him I didn't notice he was talking to me. "Hey! Drooling over me already?" " I was day dreaming dumbass,. what do you want?" 

"Green. Bottle." " But Blaise is using the blue one." I pointed at Blaise and Pansy. Draco rolled his eyes. "Well that's going to blow up in their faces then." Draco said while reaching the green bottle himself. "Shit I'm going to help them." "Do you want to fail? You can't just go there and help them without Snape's permission." I sat back down, with Snape you need to follow the rules, even Draco follows them. So I sat there looking and signaling to Blaise hoping he might notice me.

"Ryker stop it and help me maybe?" I rolled my eyes, stood up and looked at the ingredients. "Here you need to stir 3 times counter clock wise." Draco did as he is told. "Then put some of these." Draco took them but he didn't put it in. "Well?" "You said some. Be specific Ryker." I groan. "3 pinch then stir 3 times clock wise." He did as he is told and then we were finish. We were the first one to finish though. Draco called out to Snape to checked. He did some inspection and nodded. Snape then ask us to see if others needs help. As soon as I heard that I dash to Blaise's.

"Blaise you need to put in this green thingy." 

"Shut up Ryker I know what to do." Pansy really is annoying I just want to choke the hell out of her.

"Pansy you shut up,  I'hv been partners with Mal longer then you and we always pass potions." Blaise sneered at Pansy. But Pansy was being a pain the ass she still pour the damn blue bottle and it blow up in her face. The whole class were laughing. Blaise and I high five. Draco came quickly and pulled me aside as I was about to push him away, Snape came.

"What happen here. I thought I ask you to help not ruin it Miss Ryker." As I was about to speak Draco cut me off.

" It wasn't Malloria's fault sir, it was Pansy, she didn't listen to her." Malloria? Looks like someone remembers my name huh? After years of just calling me by my last name.

Snape looked at me and then to Pansy. " 10 points." Pansy let out a groan and walk away with black dust on her face. I looked at Blaise, he looked at me with confusion. Why the hell did Draco help me out?

Finally class dismiss and we went to our common room, Draco just smile and walk away when i was waiting for Blaise. What the actual fuck was that? Draco? Draco Malfoy? He smile at me?  

The other girl. // Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now