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"She is amazing, she teaches self-defense and other fighting styles and she has brown hair and brown eyes." Christian replied.

"Wow, I thought she would look like you." Rose said.

"No, she looks very different from other Ozeras. Actually, we don't really meet that often. But I think you should ask guardian Belikov about her. He definitely knows more than me, they have been best friends for so long." Christian suggested. Everyone looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"So.....what is she like?" Rose asked.

"Well, like Christian said she is amazing, she is kind and sweet when you are the same with her, but if you go on her wrong side or hurt the people she cares about you're practically dead." I said.

"Wow, I already like her." Rose said, with a smile.

" She has big brown eyes, and straight brown long hair, she definitely doesn't look like an Ozera, well that's because she got her looks from her mom, she looks a lot like her. And she can have a pretty smart mouth like Rose. Also if she likes you she'll cook for you, that's her way of saying that she likes you and believe me she is amazing at cooking. She is fun to be around. And if she cares about you she'll do anything for you. Also when you'll see her, you will realize that she doesn't look like a moroi at all and that's because since she was a kid she liked spending time in the sun, so she got kinda used to it, then she was in St.Basils so there also she spent her time in the sun. Also, she loved working out, so she doesn't have a body of a moroi too." I said, with a small smile remembering my best friend.

"And you really miss her." Rose said, looking at me with a knowing smile. I just nodded and got back to duty.

Damn yes, I miss her so much.

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