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"Who? What are you talking about?" I said, not looking at her and facing the weights.

"Izabelle of course, I see the way you look at her. Anyone would be blind not to notice it, she doesn't. Also when you talk to her or about her, you have this look on your face that says it all. Not everyone knows you that much, but remember comrade I spend a good part of my day training with you also I'm good at reading people. And well it's okay, look at her I mean. There's nothing to not like, she's just so amazing." Rose said, still looking at me.

I finally looked at her and sighed, I knew she was right and that I wouldn't be able to hide this from her. Rose and I did spend a good amount of time together, and we were actually friends but still, she annoys me sometimes.

"Yes, I do love her. I have since we were in school. But the feeling's not mutual, never was." I said, in a defeated voice, I still remember the days when I would hope to god she would like me a little more than a friend, I still do.

"And how do you know that?" Rose asked me, I looked at her with a curious look.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm saying that maybe she felt the same way earlier or maybe she feels the same way now too. You know Comrade girls can be really good at hiding their feelings sometimes maybe because she doesn't want to lose you as a friend so she is acting normal. I don't really know, but maybe we could find out." Rose said with a smile.

"That's not true Rose, she doesn't have feelings for me." I said, but still thinking about what she said.

"Dimitri look at yourself, you are amazing. You are super hot, you are so sweet and a perfect gentleman, you respect women, you can cook and you are practically good at everything. Who wouldn't like you." Rose said, chuckling at the end.

"You think I'm hot? Don't tell me you have feelings for me Rose." I said with a mock shocked look.

"Oh, comrade you should know, that I'm immune to the Belikov charm." Rose said laughing.

"You do know that you gave me a compliment right?" I asked as I smiled at her.

"Yeah well miracles happen Comrade, now think about what I said." Rose said with a knowing look on her face.

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