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I sat straight, he looked confused. I held his big hands in my not-so-big hands.

"Dimitri there is something I have to talk to you about." I said.

Dimitri POV

When she said that, her voice was hesitant like she was scared or something to say this thing whatever it is. The things that came to mind were, is she leaving so soon? Or does she love me?

Oh shut up, you know that's not gonna happen. Yeah well, that's true. So I just waited for her to continue.

"So you know when you said that you are not really very happy about this allocation?" She said, I nodded.

"Well I thought maybe if you would like to be my Guardian, I don't have one but if I request one I can get one allocated to me," I looked at her in shock, this was amazing I would love to be her Guardian, but I didn't know what to say."It's just if you want it, I'm not forcing you or anything and if you don't want to be my Guardian then it's okay too." she said still not very confident about this, then I understood why she was acting like this, she was scared of how I will react. But being allocated to her means leaving Rose, and her training was not yet completed. As if sensing this problem she added."And I don't mean that you have to do that now, if you want then we can do it after Rose's graduation. I know you are worried about her future, so you should complete her traini-." I stopped her nervous rambling, with a hug. She calmed down a little by that and just hugged me back. When I pulled back I just looked at her beautiful face.

"Izabelle I would love to be your Guardian." I said, and with that, she calmed down completely.

"Are you sure? You can take your time also don't feel pressured because I would get upset or anything, I'll understand. You know I'll understand right?" she was so nervous about this, I could see hope in her eyes. And well who wouldn't want to be with their best friend right? Well in this case add love too, that part is going to be difficult.

"Iz I don't need time to think about this, I would seriously love to be your guardian okay?" she nodded, then she smiled one of her beautiful smiles which took my breath away. How can someone be so beautiful?

Suddenly she got so excited which was amusing to watch.

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