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"I saw Rose near Mason's grave. Aunt Iz is with her right now. She said she understands what Rose is going through, so she'll talk to her." he replied.

I tensed, Izabelle never talked about Ivan's death to anyone.

"Maybe we should just check on them?" Lissa said, looking at me. I nodded, I didn't want Iz to suffer through this.

When we went outside, I saw Izabelle and Rose sitting near Mason's grave. Rose was crying and Izabelle was trying her best not to cry. I've only seen her cry once and that was when Ivan died. And I mean never. When we were in St.Basils once a boy kicked her on her wrist and that guy was a dhampir, that happened during a fight and it was because Iz refused to go out with him. Within seconds her hands were swollen and someone cried really bad, and that someone was not Izabelle it was that guy. When Ivan and I heard what happened, well let's just say that guy never even dared to look at her ever.

As I observed closely, Izabelle was saying something to Rose and Rose was just listening, hugging Izabelle tightly as if her life depended on it. After some time, Rose went to her dorm and Izabelle was returning to her cabin.

"Princess do you mind Celeste guarding you for a while, I have to talk to Izabelle." I asked Lissa.

"Of course I don't mind Guardian Belikov, I also need to talk to my best friend right now." she smiled. I nodded and called Celeste to take over my shift, she understood why I asked her for this, I thanked her and went to Izabelle's cabin.

I knocked, she opened after a minute an impassive look on her face, when she saw me her face softened. She just hugged me. We went to sit on the couch, she had her head on my lap, I was simply running my fingers on her hair.

We didn't need words right now, it was just our presence that comforted each other.

Izabelle POV

When I saw Dimitri I immediately felt a little better, I hugged him and it felt good. We were on the couch, he sitting and me laying my head on his lap. I don't know why but I felt like I had to ask him now. So I did it.

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