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In the morning I got ready for my run and saw Dimitri and Rose running together. This must be their practice time so I didn't disturb them. Since I was a kid I've got this habit of running every morning then some combat practices, that's the reason I look so different than the other moroi women. I did my run, then some practice. Then I was just sitting in my cabin and thinking about what to do. According to what Christian said, today is supposed to be their last day before the Christmas holidays. So I guess I won't be so bored from tomorrow. After thinking for about fifteen minutes, I decided on making some black bread for Dimitri and thought about inviting Christian, Lissa, and Rose for lunch.

I texted Christian.

"Hey wanna come over for lunch?"

"Will there be milkshake?" he replied back in some minutes.

I chuckled at this, Christian always loved my milkshake, more because it tasted just like how his mother used to make it for him.

"Sure." I replied.

"Then I'll be there."

"Great. Bring Lissa and Rose with you and if possible Dimitri too."

"Okay, see ya."

Well finally I had something to do, so I put on some music and got to work. I didn't even realize I was singing. Well, I realized that when I was taking some stuff to the sofa and saw Lissa, Christian, and Rose looking at me with shocked looks. I blushed, I'm sure my cheeks must be so red at that time. While everyone had shocked looks, Dimitri had a knowing smile and I guess a look of adoration maybe.

"God, Aunt Iz. I had no idea you could sing, and you were so amazing." Christian said, still looking shocked which made me blush even more.

"He's right, you're great." Rose said. Lissa just nodded, I guess she didn't know what to say.

"Okay now, lunch is ready." I said, hurrying back to the kitchen. I heard Dimitri chuckling and saying.

"Wait till you hear her play something." Damn, I love this guy but I could have literally killed him at that moment.

"She can play?" asked a still very shocked Lissa.

"Yes, her parents always wanted her to learn whatever she wanted. And she always loved music, so she knows how to play guitar, violin, flute, and piano." Dimitri said sounding like a proud father.

"Okay now shut up and eat." I said walking back with a large tray that had their food in it.

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