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The next few days were not easy, the only thing I thought about was Izabelle, our time together, and everything about her. I was nervous and excited at the same time, nervous to see how I'm gonna react around her and if I will be able to hide my feelings for her and excited because, well who wouldn't be excited to see their best friend and the first love of their life after so long.

Then finally the day was here when I was gonna see her. I was to pick Izabelle from the airport to the academy, where Christian, Lissa, and Rose(if she wakes up) will be waiting for her.

I was waiting at the airport when I saw Izabelle coming out. And man she was still or actually more beautiful if possible than before. Her hair was tied in a high ponytail. Her body still had those beautiful curves. She had a pretty yet simple red top on and blue jeans with sneakers, she always was a person who liked comfort over fashion, and she would still look stunning like that. And I loved that about her, she was nothing like other royals.

"Izabelle. IZ." I called out, well there was no point in calling her Lady Ozera, we were on a human airport. When she saw me her eyes widened. Then she smiled that breathtaking smile of hers and came running towards me. When she was close enough I hugged her and spun her around. We stayed like that for some time then she pulled back and we both looked at each other, talking just with our eyes, but then it was time to have a real conversation from our mouth.

"I missed you Iz." I blurted out, with a sad smile.

"I missed you too Mitri." she said smiling, god she had no idea what she does to me when she calls me that.

"Let's go your nephew will burn the school down if you don't arrive on time, he and Lissa have been waiting for you. And Rose is pretty excited to meet you too. They are all waiting for you, well honestly I don't know about Rose, she must be sleeping" I said laughing, as we got to the car.

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