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"Yeah his mom once called him that and since then I love to call him Little Dimka, you know I'm the only person on this planet who's allowed to say that actually." Iz said laughing with Rose.

"Okay, I think now we should eat." I said trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, you're right. Now be a good boy and eat okay?" Iz said laughing, making everyone else laugh with her.

I ignored them and started eating, I took my first bite closed my eyes, and moaned in pleasure. Izabelle's cooking really was amazing. I opened my eyes to see everyone looking at me. Izabelle with a sweet smile.

"What?" I asked.

"You are like a different person right now with aunt Iz, like you've changed in a good way. Without your impassive look. You look like every bit of the young man you are." Christian said, Lissa and Rose nodded.

"And I'm really happy to see that." Iz said.

"Well, that happens when you meet your best friend after so long, and eat one of your favorite, dishes, you guys should try it. It's amazing." I said smiling at Iz.

Everyone took a bite and Rose sighed with a smile.

"You know when you eat the academy cafeteria food, this really is heaven. I didn't even know anyone could cook like this." Rose said, eating with a big smile on her face.

"Then you should try one of Dimitri's mom's dishes, I think you'll die after having that." Iz said, chuckling at Rose's reaction.

"Seriously Izabelle, this is definitely one of the best dishes I've had in my entire life." Lissa said.

We all sat there for another hour or so, eating, talking, and laughing. Then it was time for Rose's training, so we all decided to leave.

"It was great meeting you Izabelle, I'll see you around?" Lissa asked.

"Well, I was thinking of going ice skating, you guys wanna join?" Iz asked us.

"I'm in." Rose said, with a big smile.

"I'm in too." Christian said.

"Me too." Lissa added.

"Dimitri?" Iz asked, looking at me.

I thought about it, and well I would always love to spend time with Iz. Also, I enjoyed ice skating.

"Count me in." I said with a smile.

When Rose and I were training, she was looking at me with a small smile throughout the whole training session.

"What is it Rose?" I asked, standing up from where I was doing weights.

"You love her don't you?" she said, which caught me off guard. I hope she was not talking about Izabelle, only Ivan knew this and well Mama too.

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