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"Well, after graduation. So that when we go to New Orleans you will be there with me throughout the pregnancy it's not like I can not take care of myself it's just that I don't want you to miss anything." she said smiling at me.

"That will be amazing, and yes I don't want to miss anything." I replied, soon enough she slept. And she looked so beautiful and cute sleeping.

After driving for another hour, we reached our destination. I really didn't want to wake Izabelle up. But I had to.

"Iz wake up, we're here." I said, smiling. She looked so sweet and calm like this.

"I don't want to." she said, in a sleepy voice. I chuckled at that.

"Well, we are gonna be late for the Christmas lunch then." I said, she quickly shot up and in that process hit her head, she winced from the pain.


"Hey, you okay? Here let me see." I asked in a checking her head.

Izabelle POV

He looked so worried about me, and that was just so adorable. I smiled at him.

"I'm okay Mitri." God, I have to stop saying that, well because first I only say that in those moments when I realize how amazing he is or well when my brain gives me a reminder of my love for him and second because it always has some effect on Dimitri.

"Okay then, come on." he said, taking my hand and helping me out of the car, God he is such a gentleman.

We were done with our shopping in an hour, much to Dimitri's shock.

"You are seriously the first women I have ever met, who completed her shopping in an hour." he said, on the way to the parking lot.

"Well, you should know by now I am awesome." I said, grinning like an idiot. It was amazing shopping.

"Oh I do, more than you can imagine." he muttered, I didn't really think about it, I was too busy carrying my bags.

On the way back, I was getting bored, so I looked at Dimitri's face. Damn, this guy is so handsome, hot, or whatever you wanna call it. He noticed me looking at him, then smiled his amazing smile.

"Why are you staring at me?" he asked, amused.

"Well, I'm bored so I thought let's just look at you." I said, laughing, Dimitri chuckled at this.

"Okay, so now, I'm going to play some music. And not your 80's stuff okay?" I said, chuckling, but still, his music was not so bad after all, I just liked teasing him.

"Yes mam." he replied, with an amused smile, god how much I love him.

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