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"And here's your black bread." I said giving a plate of black bread to Dimitri, he smiled one of his amazing smiles.

Then soon enough everyone was talking about something else, thank god they forgot about the whole music thing.

After lunch, Lissa had to study, Rose had a combat lesson, and Dimitri had his shift. So Christian stayed with me. We cleaned the dishes, then I made him his milkshake.

"So aunt Iz how's everything going in New Orleans?" Christian asked.


"Someone special?" and that caught me off guard, I did not expect my nephew to ask me that, well I'm just seven years older than him but still he was my nephew right.

"No, no one." I replied, trying to sound as casual as possible.

"Any interest in certain tall, dark, and handsome Russian?" He asked looking at me with a small smile.

I just looked at him shocked. How the hell did he know?

"Oh come on, you think I can't see that, the way you look at him and everything."

"Okay fine. Yes, I do have feelings for him Chris, but he doesn't feel the same way okay. He never did. And you are not going to say anything about this to anyone okay?" I said using my best threatening voice.

"Okay, I'll not say anything to anyone about this." he replied, looking somewhat scared of me. Good.

"Good boy."

We talked for some time, then Christian decided to go back.

"Come on, I'll come with you. I wouldn't mind a nice walk." I said.

We started walking in the direction of his dorms when I saw Rose sitting near a grave. Seeing me stop, Christian stopped too, then he had a sad look in his eyes.

"That's his best friend's grave, strigoi killed him. It's not been more than some months." he said, in a sad voice.

"Can you go back yourselves? I know what she is going through, maybe I can talk to her." I said, remembering the time when Ivan died.

"Yeah, okay. I'll see you." Christian said.

I went where Rose was sitting, she saw me but didn't say anything. She had tear marks and was just sitting there looking at the grave. I knew I had to talk to her.

"You wanna talk about it?" I asked in a calm and sweet voice.

I saw her struggling, thinking about whether to trust me or not. Then she sighed and told me the whole story. She cried the whole time. After five minutes she spoke again.

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