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"There they are Iz." I pointed out.

"Wow, that girl definitely does looks like a princess and I guess the other girl is Rose right?" She asked.

"Ya that's Rose, Lissa must have dragged Rose from her bed." I chuckled.

"She's really beautiful. Guys must hover around her all the time." she laughed, and that laugh could literally light the darkest of places.

"Yes, that's true but no one can ever impress her. You would know all about that, the same happened with you and god I can't even count how many hearts you've broken." I said, and it was true. Izabelle was the most beautiful girl on campus also a royal moroi with such an amazing figure and even amazing personality, every guy wanted her.

"Oh shut up, you were the same okay."

"Yeah, whatever." I replied.

When we reached where Lissa, Christian, and Rose were standing Izabelle got out of the car and was attacked by a hug from Christian, well it looked like he attacked her. She hugged him and chuckled.

"Hey, fire boy how are you?" Iz asked, and I knew there was going to be a comment now.

"Fire boy? Oh, Christian, I don't even know her but still, she is so much better than you." Rose said, laughing. Iz laughed with her.

"I'm good how are you, aunt Iz?" Christian asked, ignoring Rose's comment.

"I'm great." Iz replied pulling back then looked at Lissa.

"And you must be the girl who stole my nephew's heart." Iz said, smiling at Lissa. Lissa blushed at this and nodded, then Iz hugged her.

"It's great to finally meet you, Lissa, I've heard a lot about you." Iz said smiling at Lissa.

"It's great to finally meet you too." Lissa said smiling back at Iz.

When she pulled back and looked at Rose she had a big smile on her face.

"Well, everyone knows a Hathaway now, and I've heard you are a lot like me." she said, then surprised Rose with a hug.

"Okay now have you guys eaten anything this morning?" Iz asked everyone.

"No, Liss practically dragged me out of my bed and I'm starving." Rose grumbled making us all laugh.

"Oh come on then I'll make you guys something." Iz said, oh god how much I have missed her cooking. Lissa and Rose looked shocked as they remembered that Izabelle only cooks for people whom she likes but quickly recovered from their shock as we started walking towards the guest quarters but Iz stopped us.

"Not that way, I'm not staying in the guest quarters. Come on follow me." She said, we were really confused but followed her anyways.

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