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"He died saving me, he is dead because of me." she said, her voice cracking. Then she started crying again. I hugged her and she cried for a good twenty minutes. She hugged me tight the whole time, I was happy to help her with this.

"You know even I blame myself for Ivan's death." I said, trying my best not to cry.

She looked at me curiously.

"Why?" she managed to say.

"I was supposed to come on the day he was attacked, but I decided to stay in for the day and leave the next day. If I would have been there for him he would still be alive you know? Mitri wouldn't blame himself for it and we both would still have our best friend." a tear slide down my cheek.

"Does it ever get better? The guilt does it go away?" Rose asked, with hope in her eyes.

"Not really, but as time passes you stop remembering the bad things, you learn to deal with the guilt. And when you miss them, you think about the good things about them or the amazing memories." I replied, voice cracking, I never actually talked to anyone about this.

Rose just nodded. After some time, it was time to go back.

"Thanks. I needed this." Rose said, smiling.

"I'm happy to help. And if you ever want to talk, remember that I'm here okay?" she nodded and we went our separate ways.

Dimitri POV

I was just completing my shift and going to the cafeteria for lunch when Christian came to me.

"What is it Lord Ozera?" I asked. I had to be professional because technically I was still on shift.

"Are you free right now?" he asked.

"Yes, I was going to the cafeteria for lunch." I replied.

"Oh, actually aunt Iz told me to invite you for lunch right now, she's cooking. Rose and Lissa are also coming. So would you like to join?" he asked.

"Sure." I was sure as hell not going to miss her cooking.

We four walked to the cabin and heard someone sing. I knew who that was.

"Who is that singing, whoever that is, is amazing I might add." Rose said.

"That's Izabelle." I replied smiling.

"What? Really? Wow, she's amazing." Lissa said.

"I know, come on."

We walked into the cabin and sure it was Izabelle singing. When she noticed we were there, her face flushed from embarrassment. Which increased when everyone started praising her. She looked super cute at that moment.

We had lunch, then Lissa needed to go to the library to study and I had to guard her.

After an hour Christian came to the library in a somber mood.

"Hey Christ- Oh god are you okay? What happened?" Lissa asked

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