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"So now tell me something about Lissa and Rose and how Christian has been doing?" she asked me, I knew even she was nervous to meet Lissa like she was. And well I think she's just excited to meet Rose.

"Well, Lissa is really sweet, caring, and an understanding person. She is every bit of the princess she should be and in a nice, way. I think you'll like her, she always takes care of everyone, she is a very sophisticated and elegant person, but when you become close to her you'll see her cheerful side too."

"Wow, now I am even more excited to meet her." Izabelle said, smiling like a kid who just got her favorite candy. I chuckle at her reaction.

"And Rose, well she is quite opposite of Lissa. She is kinda hotheaded, sarcastic, she loves making jokes and doing pranks but she is fun to be around. She loves to annoy the people she hates, she is actually really pretty for her age you'll see that. Also if she cares about you she can do anything for you, kill or die. And she is an amazing novice, she's going to be a great guardian." I said.

"Ooooh, don't tell me you're in love with her or something." Iz teased me. But there was something off with the way she said it. It was nothing probably, maybe she was just a little weirded out with the idea of me dating my student, anyone would be actually.

"Oh god Iz no, we're just friends and she is practically seven years younger than me and she is my student." I said laughing. "Also don't mention that in front of her, she'll either die laughing or she'll force me to kill myself because of her teasing." I added, making Iz laugh.

"So anyone special in your life I should know about?" she asked looking at me smiling, with a nervous look I guess, but why would she be nervous?

"No, no one. You know guardian job, we don't get a chance to have a love life you know." I replied, she simply just nodded. Izabelle was one of the few moroi who understood the difficulties of a guardian. Seeing her getting sad about this I tried to change the subject.

"So what about you? Anyone?" I asked her, secretly hoping that there was no one.

"Naah. Just waiting for the right guy you know." She replied. I was actually relieved to hear this. I just nodded.

For the rest of the drive, we talked about other stuff. When we reached the academy grounds, I could see Lissa, Christian, and even Rose standing and waiting for Izabelle.

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