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After a 5 min walk, we reached one of the watch post cabins.

"You're staying here?" I asked her, she nodded and opened the door, it was nice and comfy, someone had cleaned it really nicely. There was a small kitchen with appliances and some stuff to cook.

"This is nice." Rose said, looking around.

"I know right? I asked guardian Petrov to get me a cabin with a kitchen. I'll thank her for this later. Okay so now breakfast, sit down everyone I'll make you guys something." Iz said, walking towards the kitchen.

We all sat down, Lissa, Christian, and Rose were talking about something, I was looking at Iz who was taking a look at everything in the kitchen. Well, I can never get bored of this view.

"Dimitri Belikov stop staring, it's a surprise what I'm making so don't look." Iz shouted from the kitchen, how did she even know, she wasn't even looking. Everyone laughed at my shocked expression.

"Hey you still didn't meet me for so many years, you have to pay for that." I said to her.

"What do you mean by pay?" Christian asked.

"He means that when we were in school, whenever any one of us did something wrong we had to do something for the other two, and everyone had one fixed activity to do." Iz replied

"Yeah and Iz's punishment was she had to cook for both Ivan and me, and whatever she made was always amazing. We always wished that she would do something wrong then we'll get to eat something that she cooked " I added, laughing.

"Okay I'll make it up to you, cake?" she asked.

"No, we are talking about years Iz."

"Okay, pina colada?"

"I can't drink, duty."

"Fine, black bread?" She asked with an evil grin, she knew that was my weakness.

"Deal." I shouted, everyone laughed.

"What's black bread?" Rose asked.

"It's a Russian recipe, I learned it from Dimitri's mom. She's amazing." Iz replied.

After Iz came back with a tray with some plates and glasses.

"Now this is a Russian dish, but I think you guys will like this." Iz said smiling.

When she lowered the tray, there was blini.

"You made blini!?" I asked in excitement.

"Yes little Dimka now be a good boy and eat." She replied laughing.

"Hey, I'm a guardian now and my charge and my student are here Iz." I grumbled. Rose started laughing.

"Little Dimka?" she managed to say between laughs.

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